Mitsubishi will exhibit an electric EMIRAI4 concept car in Tokyo that projects directional indicators on the road and displays symbols on the car's rear window to indicate driver intent. Their thinking is that it will help prevent night time pedestrian fatalities and communicate the intent of autonomous vehicles. However, the car lacks traditional lamps. Mitsubishi's turn signals of the future are projected on the road Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
it would be interesting to drive behind one and see what it's like. i wonder if day and night are different?
I'd look for them on the road if that was where all - or at least a lot - of cars had them. But if there's only the one model of car that does, then I wouldn't be looking for it - I'd be looking for lights on the car, and if there was nothing on there to indicate that it was going to turn, I'd assume that it wasn't. So you'd need the signals to be replicated with conventional lights too. Also, projecting onto the road is great at night, but it's not going to work during the day. (Except in the part of England where I grew up, where it is dark during the day anyway.)
In the town I grew up in, there was a woman called "The Lady Who Indicates The Wrong Way". It was OK in winter - we'd recognise her brown Mini, and know she was going the opposite way to what the turn signal suggested. But it's a resort town, and in summer she was a disaster: there were always tourists crashing into each other behind her.
I love the cars in the left lane of a limited access highway signaling a turn into barrier divider. Bob Wilson
In France, you're supposed to do that - you signal the whole time you're in the overtaking lane. It might have changed now, but it certainly used to be general practice there.
There are a bunch of drivers over here who only use their flashers after they've started to make the turn. Don't know why, but it bugs me more than if they hadn't signalled at all !