Since the search is not working I figured I'd post a thread. Over the last few weeks I've been getting the flashing lights that say Check Hybrid System with error code P0a80 which seems to be the universal "Your battery is dead" error code. I would reset the computer and the codes would come back after a day or two, now the error code comes back at least once a day. I've been searching for where to get the battery replaced and estimates on cost. So far I have local mechanics charge anywhere from 2800 to 3800 and stealership around 4000. Mind you, I paid 6500 for the car 18 months ago. I found Green Bean Battery who will install and warranty the battery for 5 years (prorated), all for 1549. Anyone have any thoughts on this company? The only reviews I can find are corny and unreliable google reviews.
1) you need to believe they will be around for 5 years. 2) you need to visit their shoppe and make sure they have a thriving business. 3) you need the fine print to tell you any time the car throws the P0A80, they will replace the battery, parts and labor.
Bisco is a wise man and hit the nail(s) on the head. There is an old saying that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks Bisco. They are mobile and replace the battery wherever you want. They have a "base" in Tampa which is about 2 hours from me. Their website has all the info you described above. Not sure if they'll be around 5 years, but I plan to sell the car this winter
I would look into getting the battery conditioned rather than replacement. The way it works, is the battery is cycled several times from full state of charge to zero and back. This is a diagnostic procedure to point out the weakest of the 28 separate modules from which the battery is comprised. In essence, only the deminished modules are replaced as necessary. Not the entire battery. This is a much cheaper alternative. It is said to restore the battery to 95% of original specs.. Do some research.
There is a Prius expert in Tampa, Todd from Tampa Hybrids. His main business is fixing and selling used hybrids. He is here as user He may know more about that business. He has even put NiMH Gen 4 Prius battery modules in a Gen 2 Prius case.
Thanks for the info, I'll check into reconditioning. I have about 190,000 miles on my 2010 Prius. I put on about 40,000 miles.
Just had Green Bean Battery replace the HV battery. It took the guy about 30 minutes. They remove the whole unit (except for the fan), and replace it with a refurb one, reset the computer and test drive it with you. The tech said they have a shop in NC where they take apart old batteries, put together good ones, and test the new ones for several days before sending them out to be installed. So far the car works great. I'll update if anything seems to go bad with the new (refurb) battery!
Essentially, that is (as they say in the hybrid battery business) a conditioned battery. The only difference is that it’s an exchanged unit. Your old battery will be sent back for conditioning... cheapest way to go, for sure. For the sake of all of us inquisitive members, do you mind sharing what the cost was for this exchange?
Oh yes, It was $1549. Sales guy said that is a Florida only price. If you check their website it shows the cost is $1949 for a 2010-2015 Prius battery replacement. It looks like they service most of the Eastern United States. The tech who installed mine was from NC, and had several batteries to replace in FL and AL.
Thanks very much for all your informative tid bits. Valuable stuff for all the members that might be in your same situation. It also might be good to note that these batteries are being recycled in a very respectful, environmentally conscious manner. It’s really contradictory to some of the Enviromentalists concerns.
Battery still works great! I've put on at least 5000 miles since the battery was installed. I could tell the difference the new (refurbished) battery made right away. I have not felt that sluggishness in acceleration since the old one. Just have a bad head gasket that I need to figure out now!