Hi all, I'm about to pull the trigger on a 2007 Prius with 225,000 miles in it for $1300. I'm buying it from the original owner who was a realtor. He has every single service record with oil changed every 3000 miles. The batteries were replaced by Toyota at 185k about 2 years ago. The master cylinder was replaced at about 150k. AC works great and blows cold. Last service shows it burning oil but slowly. It's for my daughter who currently goes to college, says in the dorms and drives maybe 100 miles a week. She currently drives a lifted f150 with a V8 that gets about 10mpg. The only issue I've found is the left headlight has stopped working but I think I can replace the ballast?? Let me know what you guys think. Any advice would be appreciated. SM-G955U ?
Sounds like an OK deal to me! Especially since it looks like it's loaded with options and has a new OEM battery. I would try just replacing the HID bulb first before I dug into replacing the ballast tho. Typically, it's best to replace both at same time. Purchase them from a reputable source so you don't pay big bucks for a fake.
Make sure you get details on the traction (hybrid) battery replacement. If it was a brand new battery, it should have a 3 year warranty- meaning it's still under warranty.
Welcome! The complete service record is a huge plus, as is the relatively recent dealer HV battery replacement. Not the greatest to let the car sit a lot, they like to be driven, but you don't have much on the line here. Enjoy the car!
does she have quick access to service near college? might need it with an old car like that, even a well maintained one.
I think NO. I think giving your daughter ANY car with that kind of mileage on it borders on child abuse. And a hybrid has even MORE things to go wrong than a conventional model. Don't get "blinded" by the better gas mileage. At 100 miles per week (or less I suspect in the circumstances given) the difference in fuel usage almost NEVER saves you more than the vehicle will end up costing you. At his point, keeping the truck might be the wisest thing to do. How much is the truck worth, trade in ??
Thank you for all your responses!!! Yes, she has quick access to service near her college, while she stays in the dorms she is going to school in the same town we live in. So she always has family and an extra car if she needs it. I did the math and she'll be driving 14 miles per day, 5 days a week, from her dorm to her work so the vehicle will see daily usage. I can confirm that it was the high voltage battery pack that was replaced by Toyota, not the 12v. I should mention that I've known the seller for longer than he's owned the vehicle and we both work at the same place. He takes extremely good care of his vehicles and he is getting himself a Tesla Model X and was going to trade the Prius. I approached him about it and he said I could buy it for what they were offering him for trade, $1300. Lastly one reason for me considering this purchase is that in the past few months she has rear ended 2 people (albeit at low speed) causing 2 claims on our insurance. Even she agrees that while she loves her truck, an 18 year old driving a F-150 with 35" tires and a lift kit isn't the greatest idea. Moving her to a Prius will bring down the insurance almost $80/mo. I don't consider a well maintained and taken care high mileage vehicle child abuse unless it was something like a BMW or a vehicle I had no idea about. $1300 is a very small amount of money and I will have 'recouped' my investment after only 3000 miles ($0.45 is the per mile savings of the Prius vs. the F-150). I will be very surprised if the Prius can't make it another 3000 miles. Looking at these forums, the condition of the vehicle and all the service records and preventative maintenance done to this vehicle, I expect to get at least another 20-30k trouble free miles out of this vehicle. If something like the AC goes out on this vehicle and I'm looking at a cost higher than the value of the vehicle then I can just sell it, part it out or donate it and not have any financial impact.
Can't really tell from pics but looks like a steal. You are paying scrap metal prices Anyone who is saying it is not a good deal has not seen $1200 cars on craigslist which are typically disgusting pieces of junk. That prius looks clean u could probably flip it to $2200 and make a grand lol I sold my 07 with 210k on it for $3300 in 1 day...but I got lucky with buyer and the car was in excellent condition.
I'd buy almost any car for trade in value. That's a good deal and hard to come by, especially on a Prius. The new battery is icing on the cake.
Clean is an understatement. Weathertech mats in it most of it's life, the carpets look like new. Seats are in pristine condition. Nothing wrong with Navi screen or dash. He's throwing in a set of Spikes Spiders with it which is awesome since we get snow.
sounds like a great deal, all the best! and warn your young one that texting and driving can be deadly!
Since it has a new(er) Toyota battery, I'd say go for it. I got this for my teen driver and it works very well. App for Stopping Texting While Driving - Prevent Distracted Driving Accidents for Your Family
If it was local to me, I would have been all over that deal like white on rice....................regardless of whether I needed another car or not.
Financially its a very good deal as the Hybrid battery alone is probably worth the $1300. But what will get your daughter is her not checking the oil level religiously. A G2 eating oil is not a fixed thing in that it could dramatically increase. Not watching the oil fanatically will get her. If she's onboard with oil checking then its probably not a bad idea to purchase it. Its a very good car.
Given ALL of the information you have now supplied.......why are you asking the question in the first place ? Nobody knows for sure. It could die in the middle of the road tomorrow. The comment about her having the discipline to regularly check the oil is an excellent one. What does SHE think about this ? Certainly she has a big input in this decision........right ??
Does this realtor friend of yours want another friend? I'd really like to be his friend when he decides to sell his Tesla for trade in value
I'll let him know. Keep in mind this will be in ten years and the tesla will have 250k miles most likely
Sam, I knew absolutely nothing about Prius' when I made this post - and still don't really. I've simply done a ridiculous amount of research in the past 24 hours since the proposal was made. I wanted to make sure someone didn't jump out and go "DON'T DO IT" Between everyone here and what info I can find I was able to figure it's not a bad decision and it looks like my biggest issue will be keeping an eye on the oil. She knows how to do that an other basic automotive troubleshooting so I don't think it will be a problem. I'm going to set up a reminder in her phone to check her oil at least once a week. She is actually excited about this because she feels like she'll be able to control the vehicle a lot more and not feel like she is surrounded by a massive truck.