I've got to runs some errands today. I'll stop by Lowe's and get some blue masking tape to test. Bob Wilson
Well I was wrong. It is map based: There was no speed limit indicator so I drove to a new development that has speed signs ... still no icon. So I got on a 50 mph cross town street and came to a construction zone and the speed sign icon did not change. Bob Wilson
I believe in the UK and possibly Europe is is camera based, but they have standardized their speed limit signs. I suspect there are too many variants in the US to use the camera.
Yes, I tested this myself yesterday and found that to be true as well. Just didn't get to correct myself until now but you already have. LOL Thanks
Up until a few days ago, the speed limit sign showed up with the compass in the middle display, and appeared on the HUD for a few seconds with each new change in speed limit - then it would go off and the ECO meter would be redisplayed there. But now the speed limit signs appear NOWHERE, and I can't figure how to get that back. In the meter settings, it is set to display (I've tried all the options, although it has always been on the "With Caution" setting). I'm guessing I must have changed some setting but can't figure out what it might have been to lose those speed limit displays. Any ideas? (ETA: this is a 2017 Prius Four)
You posted in a Prime thread, not Gen 4. In the US, Gen 4 & Prime with navigation have the speed limits in the map database. In Europe, the car (attempts to ? ) read the speed limit signs. In the US, the Speed Limit display can be changed in the "Meter Customize menu on the MID. If "NorthEast" Means Scotland or some other country, you are on your own to find the answer.
Sorry - I did a search on SPEED LIMIT HUD and it dropped me into this thread- I didn't notice it was for Prime. (Northeast in my case means New England, by the way). And I found the answer. In the Navigation app there is a speed limit listed under OPTIONS, and that for some reason was off. I turned it on and the display is now back where it was, showing the limits as it had previously. Both HUD and the compass panel show the icons appropriately.
Glad you got it figured out. I looked at the users manual and guessed since I do not have Nav or HUD. It is probably documented in the Entune manual.
Is that anything like the software that told me its task was "partially successful"? Sounds contradictory to me.
My issue is that the speed limits (on my HUD) are not always consistently displayed, and just outside of town, one displays 40 mph when the actual sign is 45 mph. Any idea how to force a software update?
So, how do I force an update? Or at least request an updated speed limit? Because the dealer said that the car gets free satellite updates for 5 years.
This info is in the NAV database which is on an SDMicro card in your vehicle. It's the same database that Garmin uses but tends to be behind because there is only one version update per year by Toyota. You have to buy a new card @ ~$169. There's no guarantee the new card will have the item that wrong updated. It takes individuals like you and me to report the wrong info to get it updated to the original NAV database provider, not Toyota. Then it can take a year or more to make it in if it does or not. The dealer is dead wrong, it does not auto update. The new Entune 3.0 just released on the 2018 Camry has one or two trim levels that do update, but not ours. Correct! They run about $169.00
Has anyone been able to turn the speed limit pop-ups off? I used the setting indicated here but they still pop up. What am I missing?
Sorry for the confusion. I answered a Gen 4 user in a Prime thread with a section of the Gen 4 manual. I guess you can fire me now. I assume you have the wide screen. I only found information about the speed limit display for navigation. I see no settings for a speed limit popup in the main manual customizations section either. I guess you should have got a Gen 4 Liftback. My Trim Two does not have that popup because it does not have navigation. Want to trade?