So I'm loving my new (to me) Prius 2015 and I've been able to customize it to fit my liking perfectly. The only issue is, I can't get all of the doors to unlock with a single click of the key fob. I've done the press the lock/unlock button for 5 seconds and make sure the all doors icon shows up. This has no effect. I can't tell what that is changing exactly. I've also tried going into the settings and changing the 2-door unlock option, again, not sure what that is changing but it didn't help. I've also checked to make sure the manual child lock on the back doors is not engaged. Any ideas for what I'm doing wrong? This is my ideal setup: 1.) When I press the unlock button once on the key for, all doors unlock. 2.) When I use the proximity sensor on the driver side door, all doors unlock. The proximity sensor is doing what I want but the remote unlock button only works if I press it twice. Thanks!!!
Don't quote me on this, but I reckon the first blip only unlocked the driver's door and this might take the service department or use of an odb2 reader with a phone app to change. @Elektroingenieur is the guy who usually comes up trump's with these tech questions. I've taken the liberty of poking him on your behalf.
Try this trick. The user in this thread had the opposite issue. Choices are good. Locking/unlocking different now | PriusChat RCO & I both have the newer Gen 4 Prius, so we cannot be of much help.
Hi all, I got it fixed!! Here is the answer (quote from someone else who posted the answer): "The owners manual said it was possible to do myself but no instruction. Much searching did not find directions. Visit to dealer today got mostly blank looks and told must make an appointment for hook-up to computer at extra cost. I finally got it done. Might be basic to some, but until I found it, it was not! 1. Press power button two times. 2. Push setup 3.Push Vehicle 4.Scroll until you find Remote 2 press unlock 5. Change On to Off 6.Press save"
@Kyleidoscope, thank you!! I’ve been searching for this exact response for a couple days. I wonder how your solve can be better found as it seems all I ever found was the grab door handle to unlock all doors method. Also, when I called my local dealership they were saying the fix may or may not be able to be done and it would require a reprogramming if the remote at a cost of at least $198! Ridiculous. Anyways, glad I found this forum and thanks again!