Got it. Have you plugged it in yet and gotten 199.9 mpg? That's the best part, especially when it's at a free charging station.
Should be good now! Definitely worth the 270 mile drive to pick her up. As I said she's more beautiful in person. I'm not sure why everyone says it's hideous. FAR from this color at least. Wheels: I may keep them along with the hubcaps. They compliment the Prime well. I just don't know how or when they will fall off. Putting 16" tires and wheels I'm just not sure yet. I have to read through the forums on what other members experienced who have done just that. Windows: I would like to tint the small rear window a bit darker so you can't see through it. Good idea? The rest of the windows 25-30%. Other than that no other mods.
Ebay - LED interior bulbs. I am still amazed that Toyota put incandescent bulbs into such a technologically advanced car.
Why Toyota? Why? Well, there are many more important things you don't want a car to get wrong but sometimes it's the little things.....
There is a place in Waukesha called Blackou Window Service. They do excellent work. Blackout Window Service Window Film for Waukesha, WI
OK...but when you say this..... ....and Toyota obviously advanced and marketed this Generation of Prius as being nearly "Supermodel" beautiful, with sports car like advertising, you would have to say something went off the track. When the defense becomes...querying whether the vehicles is any uglier than some legendarily quirky looking vehicles? What is frustrating to me? Is that I think this Prius is a good looking automobile....3/4ths of it or more. Just ....right at the end, they kinda blew it. If it was "Quirky" from start to finish? I'd probably like it in whole even better.