Source: Equifax Announces Cybersecurity Incident Involving Consumer Information | Equifax Source: Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny - So I remain amused by those who try to post anonymously. Bob Wilson
The sad reality is this breach is said to affect half the American population that rely on bank loans and credit cards. I am one of them.
If you havn't checked for yourself. Equifax is offering free credit monitoring services for any one potentially affected by this breach. Individuals are being directed to a web site (See if You Were Affected by the Equifax Cybersecurity Incident | Equifax) and asked for last name and last SIX digits of your social security number. (It is your choice whether or not you are willing to share this information with them to receive free credit monitoring services). Once you submit this form, you are given a registration date to revisit the site to enroll in credit monitoring services. At present, Equifax states there will be no additional contact from Equifax to enroll in credit monitoring – it is completely up to you to enroll. All news outlets are covering this story in detail. Everyone is advised to stay informed on how this breach could affect you personally.
I plan to enroll. Though I already have free credit check servcies from AAA and CC, this would be an added security.
Meh.... ALL of my data got hacked when all of the Standard Form 86's got hoovered up a while back, and then it happened again by other evil doers under a FOIA request for information in 'different' records. After a while, it gets to be like the latest thing that causes just run out of rats to give about it. My credit has been frozen for a while my information is of limited value, and I'm also protected by a five-figure income.
And after a year, our information will still be floating out there and Equifax will offer ongoing monitoring at our cost. What a trumped-up business model!
i like how they want more personal info to find out if your personal info was hacked. what are the odds that congress gives two you know what's about this.
And they get more business through their credit monitoring, They should at least have to pay for an independent (competitor?) third party to do the monitoring.
You wonder if the credit monitoring companies aren't the ones paying the hackers. Sure does drum up a lot of business. This is just another eggs increases cholesterol. Mercury is bad in your teeth. Harvest gold is the best appliance color. It comes and goes. Am I there only one that doesn't care? My credit cards have been stolen before. I didn't pay a dime. I reported it and I didn't have to pay anything. I guess Trans Union is next to be breached in 2019 along with Walmart. And I forget, is it Lowe's or Home Depot next...
just read that 3 execs sold 2 million dollars worth of stock, days after the hack, even though equifax didn't disclose the hack for a month. and they claim the execs didn't know about the hack, and it was a coincidence.
The best thing you could do is change your SS# no monitoring service will protect you from s hsve with all your information. A credit freeze is also a good option but don't loose your password or you SOL. Use the free credit report option using only one credit reporting agency every 4 months. Don't forget to call Innovis the 4th credit agency as well and check system for folks with bank accounts only. SM-G935P ?
Change SS#? I had to looked it up. Can I change my Social Security number? I guess, it can be done, but how effective is this? It says, "When we assign a different Social Security number, we do not destroy the original number. We cross-refer the new number with the original number to make sure the person receives credit for all earnings under both numbers." It sound like the original number is just as good as new number???
Looks like the class action is already being started. Another killing for the lawyers. The lawyers get millions and each participant? $5.67? It's not even worth my time.