Used to be a 4am breakfast meeting of station owners at a local restaurant in Wausau to set prices. If a supply problem happens the gas in the tank is instantly more expensive. If the spot price drops dramatically the price takes a long time to react
The gas prices app on entune is surprisingly accurate (for the whopping one weekend that I have had to use it). There are 2 citgo stations 1 mile from each other where I live and they can vary in prices by up to 10 cents a gallon so it's a great feature to have.
its going to cost the station more to buy new gas to replace what they are selling out of their storage tanks so it makes sense to raise the prices when supply prices go up. but in reality they can charge whatever they want for their product plus required taxes
or perhaps these out in the open meetings took place before 1890? I just assumed that part of the post was rumor
just this summer, i was asking the local mobil owner if he had any inside info as to where prices were headed. he replied that he doesn't follow any of that, and just adds 20 cents to whatever he pays for a gallon. seemed simplistic enough, until his price strangely spiked 30 cents a few days ago, doubtfully corresponding to a delivery of the newer higher priced harvey gas.
Gas price has gone up $.50 in last week. Am I glad the electricity rate is not going up, at least not yet. My EV is now getting better cost performance than HV.
I sat next to them on the way to setup for a craft show, quite real in 1995 Before Kwik trip all the gas came from one supplier regardless of the name on the sign
Prices seem to have leveled off here as of this morning. With Irma still undecided, I think I'd better gas up on the way home today. I still have 2 pips left on the gauge and normally would wait till the weekend. I wonder what the price will be tonight!
Thanks. We'll probably decide in the morning. If it tracks west, we're out of here. Gassed up on the way home for $2.799/gallon. First station was out. Next one had lines out onto the road. Next was only a small line. What's weird is that people are complaining on Facebook about everyone being out of water. Golly, I have an unlimited supply at all four of my sinks, and lots of containers. Not to mention a bathtub.
they are planning on evacuating my father's assisted living clients to orlando. i can't imagine where they are finding housing for them.
I haven't filled mine yet... but it's less than 2 weeks old, the odometer reads just 398, and the car's estimated "range to fill-up" currently sits at about 300 miles....
I haven't filled mine yet... but it's less than 2 weeks old, the odometer reads just 398, and the car's estimated "range to fill-up" currently sits at about 300 miles.... (Hmmm... sorry for this sort-of double post, but I can't seem to get the "multi-quote" function to work....)
Really? I didn't notice that. There are very few gas station I pass by that also serves diesel. Is it cheapr to buy diesel than regular gas now?