Have a new 2017 touring 3, sea breeze green with a black interior, don't like the white. Been thinking about buying a Pruis since 2010, and finally did it (for my wife). The new generation is quite a car, quiet, smooth, and feels solid. I've seen it listed as a mid-size, and the interior feels that size. My wife does many short trips, and this seems the ideal car for her plus it helps the environment. I was also interested in the Hyundai Ionix, but it didn't have the standard equipment like the Pruis though it does come with a life-time warranty on the batteries. So now looking for body side molding, thinking of installing myself, has anyone done this? Thanks Paolo
Hey, I from Bean town, thus "North End". Moved out to Everett as a kid, lived in Wakefield, Stoneham, Groveland.
Welcome. I understand it's not hard. Make sure the paint is clean and dry first and then you have to decide where/how you're going to place it. Measure 3 - 4 times and only then stick it on. You could make a level line with painters tape to help get it straight/level. Place it where you want and then put the painters tape under it to mark the position.
thanks Mark, I've done some reading and have copied the instructions. It seems there are some differences on measurements which I'll do more research on. Plus there are non OEM's out there which I'll keep away from.
Not everyone puts there's level, etc. Some go higher/lower. You could go by a dealer lot and look at ones there that already have one to get a feel for the look. PS, dealers all seem to mount them exactly the same.
Bought mine thru Prius Chat, took the molding to a body shop (one that I used for years) and for $20 they put it on for me, well worth the $20. One thing to point out this was in 2011.
Hmm, buying through Prius Chat seems a bit risky these days. Caveat emptor as the ancient Romans would have said.