Have you ever seen oil filters for the Prius like this one: https://partsfinder.bilsteingroup.com/pf-article-zoomed/2/ADD62109_1.jpg It has some kind of "fuzzy" caps at the end, not like the genuine one. And I'm wondering what is that plastic piece at the photo, as far as I see it comes with filter with part no. 04152-B1010. The one for the prius is 04152-37010, but the sites show them as exchangeable parts.
Looks to me just like other after market brand oil filter, not sure what the fuzzy thing does but probably nothing important. The plastic piece is just a tool you use if you're removing the 3/8 nut on the oil filter cap, it twist into it and opens up the oil so it drains it through. A cleaner way of doing it but not necessary. They have those plastic pieces for Toyota Camry in oem oil filter and bigger cars, not sure why they don't supply it for the Prius.
Thanks! Have you used such filters? Probably the idea behind the fuzzy thing is to work as a gasket? Wondering if it will seal the filter to the housing good. When I was searching for photos of other filters, I find the filter caps for the larger cars, they have the nut in the middle indeed, but as far as I remember, my Prius does not have anything on the cap (it's plastic). Have you ever heard this brand - "Blue Print" and is it any good? They sell a lot of parts in Europe, mainly for Japanese cars and they're at least 30% cheaper than the well-known and good aftermarket parts.
Yeah, Looking back at it, the Prius doesn't have the middle nut. I haven the used that aftermarket before
Yeah. Mostly the bigger vehicles have it. The plastic piece is not necessary, but some people like to use it thinking it'll be cleaner that way, but I found out it's much cleaner and easier by removing the whole oil filter housing slowly like in our video. Some people complain it's a messy way but they probably removed it too quickly and it splash everywhere. I've never had trouble with removing the housing itself while I was working at Toyota where these car comes in with them.
Yeah - Plus now there are two gaskets that could possibly leak if you don't use the recommended torque specs. I'll stick with not using the plastic drain tap...