Hi All, I have a 2013 prius level five that just started to have USB problems. It is inconsistent, and was wondering if anyone else may have had this problem and what you did to fix it. The system would play fine them it would stop, sometimes in the middle of a song and at times when it switched to a new song. The screen would freeze on the song that it stopped on. I would try to remove the USB and turn off the unit, but after turning it back on and reinserting the USB, the screen was still stuck on that song and it would not play. The only way I could reset it was to turn the car completely off and restarting it. I started when I used some larger USB's (16mg) to play music on my car. The car has navigation and the JBL sound system. At first I thought it was the USB. I tried a second one of the same size and the problem still happened. I tried the same USB's on another car and they worked fine. So I then tried another USB (4mg) that I had used on the system before and the problem, but the problem is still there. Please help. Thanks in advance..
Do you have any Apple devices connect via BT at the same time that you have the USB plugged in? This is a known problem on other Toyotas. As a test with oyur car powered off, don't connect anything else, just your USB and see if it still has an issue.
Mark, thanks for the reply. I am using android in the car. Can the USB work with the car powered off? Please advise.
I had similar but different problem with USB on my brand new PRIME. In my case audio just kept loosing connectivity to USB, or could not read all of folders I had saved in 32mb USB memory, which I had no problem using on my previous Gen3 Prius. In my case, at least for now, switching to smaller USB memory (4mb) and keeping song only in a few folders have solved the problem. How many folders and songs do you have on your USB memory? Try copying only a few folders onto small USB and see if the problem persists.
Sorry, bad explanation on my part. Since I don't know what you have plugged in or not, I was attempting to say, with your car powered off, only plug in the single USB device you are wanting to test, Do NOT connect your phone to the car with BT. Now power on the car an see if you are still having the USB problem you first described. You should only have the single USB device plugged in and NO phone or anything else connected via BT for this test. This eliminates variables so you can see what's happening. After doing this, if you still have trouble with the USB, it could be the USB device or the USB plug.
I don't think USB works with car is OFF, but should work with ON without being READY, that is no pushing brake pedal and pushing POWER button.
It does not, but when diagnosing a USB issue, I recommend plugging and unplugging USB devices when the power is off. It reduces variables. I can't see what all the OP has plugged in or not, so I didn't want to assume.