What's gasoline?? Oh, that stuff.... !! Yeah my little "door" detents just fine. Sorry, sounds like dealer visit, unless you're handy and can troubleshoot it yourself. Good luck! .
I had that little door open a couple times in the last 5 months. I'll let you know in a few more months when I open it or a 3rd time.
No idea what you're all talking about. I've not put gas in my Prime yet. When the time comes, I'll look into where this gas door is and will also need to figure out how to get it open and fill it.
But is it really easy to close, such that if you bump it when opened, it will close? I see no feature in the hinge to help the door stay open, unlike other vehicles I have owned. I have had to go back in the car to reopen the door on occasion because it closes so easily.
Something missing? Our (3rd gen) door opens with some resistance, will hold position. Definitely not free-swinging. If you take it to the dealership they can check, and you can try opening the gas flap on some showroom or demo cars, see the difference.
honestly never paid that much attention as it behaves like all my previous cars (incl 3 Toyotas) in the past 10+ years, you have to push it to close it, so I'm guessing that something is missing in yours ...
When you do need gas, do you have to hit the release button and wait for the car to tell you it's ok to fill, like you had to do with the PiP?
I never had a PiP, and never paid attention to anything on the display(s), i'm just hitting the button and start filling it up ... it worked 10 out of 10 times thus far
The PiP kept the gas tank under pressure, so when you wanted to fill it, you hit the button and the car would depressurize the tank, so you didn't get a face full of gas.
well, you made me look, the Prime has the same feature ... I had read a lot of pages in the manual but I clearly skipped the refueling section ... and maybe i am moving like a crippled snail from the time i press the button and unscrew the cap so that nothing has happened, yet
The Volt has the same procedure for filling the tank, so I was used to it from the PiP. I also have to add that here in NJ where we're not allowed to fill up on our own, I have to tell the attendant to take a chill pill when he's trying to open the filler door as soon as I pull into the station.
REALLY! New Joysie won't let you fill up your own tank!! I did not know that!! Do they let you plug-in by yourself? Sorry, couldn't resist!! And people say Kalifornia's got too many laws, Har, har!! .
Fill?, it might be a little bit awkward driving too, eh??!! Hey Louie, dis guy wants that he should fill up hiz own caw!! Hey Mort, he don't know no better, he's from Cawlifornia!! We'll let 'im off easy; just break one leg!! .
Oregon and New Jersey are the two states that forbid self-service gasoline. Helps with minimum wage employment. The public reason is that it is a safety concern, as if the citizens of those two states were not as capable of pumping their own gasoline as are the citizens of the other 48 states. Pulled up to a pump in Oregon, and was surprised to see a self-service notice. Turns out it was on a Indian reservation, and they don't have to follow the state law on this.
Same situation here in Coquitlam, BC. Chevron was trying to bring back self serve, maybe a year back. Haven't heard anything since though.