I will be receiving delivery of my new Prime soon and wanted to order a reliable roof rack system to transport my BMX Bikes. I have gone to Yakima and Thule web sites as well as call a number of web based specialty roof rack retailers and and no one seems to have any information on which ones will fit the Prime. I'd like to use the Yakima Baseline Towers with the Frontloader bike carriers but the wildcards are which Baseclip models to use for the roofline to ensure a proper fit. Anyone have any experience is this area with their own Prime? Thanks!
Thanks but I'd like to stay away from the Toyota version as I have heard nothing but bad things about the wind noise plus I would like the flexibility of going with a specialty manufacturer to add a cargo box or other items in the future to ensure a seamless fit.
I would think the regular 2016+ prius aftermarket Thule would fit, as the OEM PNs are the same between the prime and regular prius. Curious what everyone else thinks.
I think the roof is the same as the Gen 4 Prius. Look at the listing for a 2017 Prius 5 door. Buy from a vendor with a great return policy, or a shop that will install it for you, and take it back if it doesn't fit.
Thanks- No Primes here in Atlanta for me to go and physically measure or compare side by side. I have just e-mailed one of the specialty roof rack retailers the fit question. Hopefully, they can do some homework and find out the answer. I'll share it if I can get a definitive response.
Anthony, try the REI in Atlanta. Tell them you have a 2017 Prius 5 door. They'll order in the parts you need. If they work on the Prime, great. If they don't, a refund couldn't be easier. Let us all know your results.
Thanks - that is a good suggestion. I work just down the street from them. My Prime is scheduled to be delivered in July. If I can't get a good authoritative answer prior to delivery, I will definitely go that route.
Charged EVs | 2017 Prius Prime: Toyota launches an all new PHEV that some call “the best Prius ever” Specialty store got back to me and said - Sorry can't help you until Yakima does the official measurements. Good article above where Prime Brand Manager discusses the differences between the Prime and the 5 door- Bottom line looks like it is the same exact roof. Good Article.
Update- Yakima updated their website with the official measurements- they are the same as the Prius 5 door. I paired the Basline Towers with the Jet Stream bars and the new Showcase 15 Cargo box and it looks really sweet and about doubles the cargo capacity- something that is absolutely needed for a family beach vacation with high maintenance wife! It is pricey but the set up works very well, looks great, and runs with minimal wind noise.
I just upgraded from an 11-year old Yakima rack to a brand new Thule rack. It's great upgrade. Do those Yakima clips have the doorframe pin?
Not sure what you mean by a pin- the clips secure the base towers to the car very effectively- no pins.
Look under the roof rim on the car, above each door in the jam. There's a plastic plug. Taking that out reveals a hole. The pin from the rack fits in that hole.