So yeah, they're at it again, trying to make EV's seem like they're worse than gas cars are, not to mention oil. But they forget to mention other costs, like stationing the military overseas in unstable regions of the world where much of the world's known oil reserves are at. Or the cost in health from emissions pollution. How about that brown smog back in 1970's LA, or several Chinese and European cities? But I guess we're supposed to ignore that, because EV's are bad. Koch Brothers Attack Electric Cars With Misinformation Campaign Again
I guess the Koch Brothers enjoy misinforming the whole planet with a load of old "Koch".....if you'll pardon the pun . iPhone ?
Do the brothers 2 truly believe their audiences are so slow witted, that they can't tell these kids, living in squalor, appear for the most part, to be working is coal mines? And videos showing trash dumps with no batteries in them ... that doesn't help their cause. The guys should'a invested in a Photoshop program. Whoops !!! .
No, they believe, and know, that many politicians in Washington are slow-witted and/or corrupt. They are their ultimate audience.
They can say all the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) they want. Those of us who have actually driven electric vehicles can counter with real world results. When I had a Prius, I only needed to get gas every other week. Now with my Chevy Volt, I can go months at a time without needing gas, unless I decide to take a long distance trip, in which case I'll gladly burn some dino juice for now due to current limitations on EV's regarding range and charging infrastructure. But for my daily work commuting, it's basically an EV as well, as evidenced by dash picture below. But unless they outlaw EV's entirely, my next vehicle will be a BEV (battery electric vehicle), aka one without a gas engine at all. I don't plan to ever go back to a gas-only car if I don't have to. Even if you completely disregard the environmental aspects of an EV, on average they cost less to maintain and fuel (unless you have really expensive electricity rates, but if you have solar panels you can make your own "fuel"), and they're just really, really fun to drive. I didn't think much of EV's at first either. Then I test drove one, so that I could completely write it off. Instead I found that instant torque giving you full RPM from a dead stop to be really fun while also giving you a nice smooth, seamless acceleration without the jerkiness of a gas engine changing gears. I also love how quiet they are. Sure, some people love the roar of the engine. I prefer quietness so I can listen to my music/radio without having to blast it to drown out the engine noise and wind/road noise. Sure, EV's have limitations right now, namely cost, lack of charging stations, short ranges, and long charge times. But all of those are slowly being addressed. And as more people see them on the roads, seeing friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers driving them, they'll become more acceptable to others, and find out firsthand how awesome they can be. I also no longer miss having to go to the gas station every week, or every other week now. And having to wait in line if there were lots of cars. And pumping gas in the freezing cold, sweltering heat, or during a heavy blizzard or downpour. And dealing with prices that seemed to go up just before I needed to gas up. Or it went down the next day after I filled up. Instead I just pull into my garage, plug it in, and unplug it when I need to go somewhere. Those 5-15 minutes at the gas station adds up after a while. Yes, I realize gas isn't going away anytime soon. But I'm looking at the big picture and long run, where gas-only cars will slowly get replaced by plug-ins, and we won't have to keep burning off our limited oil supply inside combustion engines.
Expecting anything else from the K Kids is a lesson in futility. They are rich enough that they can modify reality to suit their world view. They drank the Kool Aid and found it to be good.
There main audience is Donald trump and Scott Pruitt. Koch brothers and big coal mining companies seemed to have scored bigly here. I would not bet that these things are not effective as long as they also include donations to campaigns and fake charities.
Carl Bernstein was saying the other day, we are not having a discussion, rather we are having a cold civil war. Bernstein was not talking specifically about EV's, but it applies to this video I am thinking.
Costs? Those don't cost the Koch brothers anything. But EVs do bite in to their $115 Billion annual revenue.
The Koch brothers motto - the group with the most power, gets the most fuel, and thus, gets to keep all the power. Their family will do well in the future. ok - they never actually said that's their motto - Still their history is pretty dark. There was a great article a few years back, covering some of their atrocities - both civil & criminal; Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire - Rolling Stone Kind of sickening. Still - I'm sure they're heros to some - employing 10's of 1,000's. Just don't get in the way. .
They have also 'weaponized' philanthropy. Because tax laws requires them to cough up huge sums of money to the tax man, they use the charity and philanthropy provisions, stretched and twisted beyond recognition, for their political purposes. They (Charles and David, not the other surviving brother) are the largest players in this book: ‘Dark Money,’ by Jane Mayer - The New York Times
heard an ad for the koch brothers during the red sox game tonight on the radio. for more information, go to
No, don't go there! Don't increase their hits. Don't help inflate their self-importance. Don't support their stupid misguided message. Don't feed the trolls (The Koch Bros.)
The Koch family has a lot to regret but there are orders of magnitude, less well known, Kochettes wandering around and spreading similar BS. Personally, the Murdoch family is worse because they have made a world-wide business of BS in English. Bob Wilson
true .... however, every so often I really pull a hair brain moment of stupidity, & should i foolishly say something like, "well - so & so has done way worse" ..... i get an ear-full, to the effect; "that's great, as long as Charlie Manson lives, you're not the bottom rung on the ladder. Is that what you want to do? .... compare yourself to someone worse? .... " 3rd decade now, of remembering that lesson .... there are no excuses, for excuses ... .
i don't know if increasing their hits helps them in any way, but it is amazing how well they spin all the issues. a big chunk of america will be lining up behind them, if they aren't already.