2009 Prius was found dead, ran fine the previous day. There was an attempt to jump it via under the hood contact and directly from the battery in the rear, but it did not help. Someone suggested we disconnect the 12v rear battery and jump under the hood, that did not work. The rear 12v battery is good, has been load tested and is good. The 5 amp and 120 amp fuses at the rear battery are not blown. The pos. lead and ground reads 12v with the rear battery connected. The fusible link looks like it is none are blown. The last suggestion was that the invertor is / may be bad. We are kinda remote and would like to solve this if possible. Any thoughts ?
Do you have headlights? If not the fusible link under the plastic cover is blown. Usually caused by reverse polarity jump.
Also check the am2 fuse under the hood. If that fuse is blown, your inverter pump most likely shorted out
Thanks so much. I wonder if you can tell by the images if the fusible link if it is blown. It seemed to look OK, or perhaps it can be tested or can it look OK and be blow ? I will download my images in a few minutes. Matt
If you are going to troubleshoot this yourself, you NEED a multimeter to chase voltages.....and grounds.
OK people, thanks so much. Sam Spade, yes I do have a multimeter. I have checked many points, but please advise where you would start. There are three images attached of where on the link is the likely problem. I will take more fotos if would be helpful.
Measure the voltage at the battery, both on the battery posts and on the cable ends that connect there. Then measure at the "jump point" to a good nearby ground. Others will take it from there......as I know nothing about where the main fuses are in relation to those things.
The jump point tests a strong 12v. Voltage at the battery, both on the battery posts and on the cable ends that connect there are all good at 12v +. Thanks for your help Sam
The jump point tests a strong 12v. Voltage at the battery, both on the battery posts and on the cable ends that connect there are all good at 12v +. Thanks for your help Sam
that's not good, unless it's 12.4 or better, after the car has been off a few hours. a new battery is around 13v and slowly drops as it ages.
thanks bisco ! I wish the car was on ! It is dead ! I went back and tested again and it was 13.10v. It was on the charger all night 2 nights ago, but otherwise just connected up in the car. The image attempts to show how I just tested it, Please comment / advise !
if the car has been off the charger, and the car has been off for 24 hours, that is a good reading, and the battery must be almost new. but check it every day to see if it settles lower.
If the fusible link looks OK but a problem is suspected, is it possible : 1. It looks OK but it is not. 2. If not sure, is there a specific procedure to test it as opposed to a regular simple fuse ? Thanks
i think you can do a continuity test from one end to the other. set your meter to ohms. if it's good, you should get the same reading as touching the probes together. i'm no expert, someone may correct me.