Hey all, new here. I was highly considering a gen 2 Prius(2008/2009). All the ones I've looked at fall between 120k-150k miles. Now, considering the car is a 1 owner, well kept, with maintenance records preferred and what may not need to be fixed; do you guys think a similar mileage gen 3(2012) would do better for me? What are your thoughts? Is purchasing a well kept gen 2 better than purchasing a high mileage gen 3?
Both should easily hit 250K no problem, statistically speaking. I'm guessing the 2012 will be over $8000...maybe over $10,000. But the 08 or 09 could be as low as $4000....That is a huge gap in price. I would just look at a variety and buy the one you like the most.
Seems like a fair deal if it is clean...Check dash for mpg because mine averages 39-40 which is low and in my opinion indicates a warn engine in its last 100k mile stretch! Mine has 187k...still runs excellent but burns a little oil and mpg isn't impressive.