We just bought our first Prius about a week ago.Its a 2006 with only 133,000 miles on it.We absolutely love the car,we wished we would have gotten one a long time ago.Great car but it has it's problems, the main one was the headlights,frosted over pretty bad. I had some auto body polish from a few years back and I tried a small spot on the lens.Next thing I know it looks almost new. . This is a picture of one side done with just some elbow grease. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Just be aware that this is a temporary solution. You'll have to reapply polish every 3-6 months to keep the lens clear. The only permanent solution that I know of is to sand the headlight to remove the corroded plastic and then apply clear coat over the top to restore a protective layer to the plastic. There are many tutorials on youtube and online for how to do this. PS. The plastic cover for your passenger side foglight isn't seated properly and is liable to fall out. You'll want to wiggle it around and push-pull on the plastic grill it's attached to, to get it seated where it should be.
I found this at the local Wallyworld. It takes a little elbow grease, but wet sanding the headlights on my 05 made all the difference. Follow up with a couple coats of spray on clear and polish them out. Now I have to aim them back down so I don't get brighted every time I drive at night. Rust-Oleum 1" Detail Sander Kit - Walmart.com
I had already bought that and I'm going to do that as soon as I get a day that I'm not going to get rained on.This was temporary just so we could see better but the sanding works great because that's what I did on our Tracker. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Nice! Post your results if you can. I need to do this on my passenger side headlight as it's older and clouded.
Will do,as soon as I can I will do that. Doing the sanding thing turns out great, the ones on our Tracker was so bad we were going to have to buy new ones until I saw that and tried it. I figured I didn't have nothing to lose except for a little money and time. I will put pictures up as soon as I get them done. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Just got an 06 with 200k here are my headlight restoration pics 500, 800, 1000, 3000 wet sanding Meguiars 105, 205, scratch 2.0, uv protectant iPhone ?
Krylon sells a clear coat with UV protection, it lasts about a year in the florida sun but its a bear to remove and redo..