My '07 Prius, with 185,000 miles, is doing two things. Related or not, I don't know. When accelerating up a constant mountain incline, would knock itself out of cruise control and even though I would have my foot to the floor, in 70 mph zone, I was lucky to go 49 mph. I have traveled this road many, many times and this had never happened before. So, from then on, i wouldn't use cruise when I got to this area and in anticipation, I would speed up to 85 mph and just short of the top, it would slow to 55 mph. Now, when driving and I need to accelerate, even if I'm going 45 and need to increase to 55.0, it's now making a loud knocking, rattling noise. I saw/heard a YouTube video and the noise was said to be the catalytic converter. Should I have had an engine code come up for the catalytic converter, because I didn't. I wonder if after either knocking it out or replacing it, will I get the power and acceleration back?
Auto-Zone but there was no code for the catalytic converter. I had the converter busted out of it and walah, the loud knocking, rattling noise is gone! The next test will be when I have to pull a long, constant incline, to see if it knocks itself out of cruise and if I have the power back.
Did it turn out to be the cat? If so did you replace it or just leave it after knocking out the internals? How has it affected your mpg?