I recall after Katrina they blamed that on "global warming" as well and said "expect to see a rise in Cat 5 hurricanes. Well....guess what...wrong again. Genuises. I recall late 70s/80s we would have acid rain and wear special clothing, some areas we couldn't go outside in day time because of 0 protection from the sun. Guess what....genuises. Al Gore said the ice caps would have been gone by now. Another genuis. These people have no clue as to what they are talking about. And. Now they see some global warming on Mars happening. So genuises....is that caused by the Mars Rovers? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Global Warming on Mars--Aleteia Bring the rovers back before Mars is destroyed. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
In regards to acid rain and the ozone layer, we took actions to limit or stop the emissions causing the damage. That's why no dire predictions on them have come to pass. Same with air and water pollution in general. We saw it get bad, and took steps to fix it.
As my mom always responded: 'They' who? Yes, some portions of the AGW lobby, including Gore, were saying this. But others were actively disputing it, especially those from the technical and non-political disciplines.
An interesting program on HBO's Vice News was 'Future of Firearms/Russia Wins'. The second part was a report on Russian attitudes pro-global warming and industrial development over environmental concerns. One government representative said global warming is just a question of 'adapting'. So this got me wondering if the polar communities share this attitude: Alaska Canada Greenland Iceland Norway Sweden Finland Rather than seeing global warming as a threat, do they see an earlier spring, warmer summer, and later fall as being a good thing? Anyway, you may be able to view the program: Watch VICE S05E15 Future of Firearms & Russia ‘Wins’ Climate Change - Download Online Free Bob Wilson
Oh man, wish I had the bucks to burn: 2017 Cruise Specials | Northwest Passage Affordable cruises It looks like the NorthEast passage is probably ice breaker navigable this week and the NorthWest passage in another two weeks. Awesome! Bob Wilson
Coldest temps ever and sea ice is below average.Sea ice has little to do with air temp and nothing to do with CO2 -33°C: Coldest July Temps Ever In The Northern Hemisphere | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
Great stuff! Most definitely an unusually cold day. See monthly Greenland Summit T here: summit:status:weather As you know I am interested in Greenland Summit T, especially in context of being warmer than proxy T of GISP2 core. This site may be helpful.
Oh darn this site ftp://ftp.summitcamp.org/pub does not open for me presently. Should not speculate about why. If anyone else here can look in that folder, I would be very interested if it contains weather station data.
Truly among the most extreme sites where science occurs, and much more accessible than Sout Pole. Not that I am planning any trips
This is what I got: Roberts-MacBook-Pro:~ rjwilson$ ftp ftp.summitcamp.org ftp: Can't connect to `': Connection refused ftp: Can't connect to `ftp.summitcamp.org' ftp> ftp (to) ftp.summitcamp.org ftp: Can't connect to `': Connection refused ftp: Can't connect to `ftp.summitcamp.org' ftp> quit This suggests the problem is on their end. Bob Wilson
Well I hope they survived the cold day. Should not be space invaders 'melting out'; that would happen on a warm day. I am once again snuffling around elsewhere. Seems that Chuck Stearns collected weather data from 1987 to 1993. Roger Bales, 1993 to present. I got 2008-2016 off the web before, but danged if I remember from where. Seems to be a Brian Vasel involved. If a 1983-current T record could be assembled it could answer some questions. When did air T begin to exceed the GISP2 proxy-T maximum? Is there a significant trend in instrumental data since 1987 (30 years)? Hints of impending ice age doom or just one awfully cold day? Frankly lacking gumption in this regard. My previously compiled 2008-2016 T seems kinda good enough. Would be great if somebody else got interested in this. I am at the moment more enjoying looking at volcanic sulfate in ice cores. When that gets prettied up it will appear in a nearby thread.
Can't even open http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/ and the goodies may be in there somewhere. Gumption is just draining out of my ankles or whatever.
I guess it would happen here Konrad Steffen's group Greenland Climate Network but somehow I can't bring myself to put in the text box " in a hybrid car chat group there is interest in how air T compares to GISP2 proxy T" It's not like me to be so shy.
What a fuss is made when cold July day was colder than any other July day (since 1987?). So little fuss is made about Endangered Archaeology: Climate Change Threatens to Swallow Paleo-Inuit Sites from Alaska to Greenland — Polar Field We pay attention to this world in odd ways - that's for sure.
The Earth was warmer for much of the past 10,000 years. Definitely warmer 100,000 years ago during the last interglacial. Whatever survived past warming will likely last through future. Archaeologists know where the climate scam grant money is .
A Greenland melt mechanism other than +T: Sunnier summers propel Greenland melting : Research Highlights Decreasing cloud cover drives the recent mass loss on the Greenland Ice Sheet | Science Advances Interestingly enough, the best way to briefly attain very cold T (see a few posts above) is cloud-free sky.