Hello Seattle area, I have a 2006 Pruis(100,000) with a battery that needs some love. I am looking to buy a Prolong Battery to grid charge and balance my pack. My hope is to find someone in the Greater Seattle Area that would be willing to split the cost with me. If we both bought the wiring harness($80) than we could share the charger ($319). Also, there may be some potential to make a bit more money back by loaning it out locally with a deposit. There seems to be a large amount of people that have been in the same position What the Charger Does- This charger coupled with a discharger allows you to recondition an existing battery. It also makes replacing models and charging a pack a much easier and less tedious process. You can find out more information at the hybrid automotive web site. If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know. I want to make this work. After weeks of research, the model RC charger route is not for me. Thanks, Andrew
Be sure you put a deposit high enough to cover the full cost of a unit. I have seen a few "tool sharing" groups go very badly. Everything from disagreement about how the unit got damaged, or a person that just "disappeared" with the tool. Hopefully you won't run into that, but better to plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Thanks for the advice Eric. Oddly enough, I was just looking at your business web page. What equipment do you use for your in-shop reconditioning?
I am a collector of chargers, so I actually have way too many. Self built ones. Early versions built by others. Repurposed high voltage power supplies (0-500v). $350+ hobby chargers. Hybrid Automotive systems. I also have fully automatic charger/discharger systems that can do a whole pack and output graphs to a computer file via LabVIEW. But that's just me. A normal person doesn't need so many toys around. If you are not going to build your own, the HA systems are great. The owner, Jeff, has been a part of the hybrid community a long time. He had chargers for Insights way before getting involved in the Prius community. And has supported Priuschat.com through sales, giveaways, and more.
Any good links for building grid chargers? I found a few that were focused on building them for the Honda Insight. They seem to have been at this for a while. Honestly it should not be a ton different.
Same idea, just up the voltage. Either get higher voltage power supplies or add more in series until you reach the desired voltage. Might want to start a separate thread about it.
Installing the Prius g2 charging harness Is time consuming if done right and doing it right includes cleaning the hybrid battery cooling fan motor and squirrel cage. You have that whole area aprt and the motor is right there and your chopping into its harness to intercept its power leads. I would say all fans without exception need a cleaning given that the fan is running 100% of the time when the car is in ready. It's just time. IF the harness is installed without addresing that fan then it's a crappy install. A good working fan is vital when charging as it is forced on full power. Also the basic light bulb discharger works really good and is very easy I did my first discharge tonight and it's charging as we speak. The big problem with loaning is sometimes people are very irresponsible with things you highly value.
I just installed my discharge ready Prolong charger. I'd be interested in a sharing arrangement too. I live in Georgetown/MId Beacon Hill.
Right you are. Lending tools is usually a very bad idea. Alas, because this expensive setup is only used once or twice a year it is a perfect tool for sharing. I'd still be willing to do it.
Andrew, I cannot get my messages to open up, all it does it load for an eternity, this app hasn't been functioning well at all as of the last few days. So feel free to just email me [email protected] Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I'd also be interested in this. I reconditioned my battery a couple years ago using the RC charger method, but it's looking like I need to do it again (possibly replace a module, although it hasn't outright failed yet). I'd love to share the cost with others on the charger/discharger portion and just have the harnesses hooked up. Has there been any movement on this by the Seattle folks on this thread?
ha, ha , ha.... no. I'd be happy to rent one via the mail. You send me the full cost + shipping, you get a unit. You pay a fee....negotiable. what do you think is reasonable? When you are done, you pay to ship it back. Money is then refunded.
Thanks for the offer. I've got a direct email out, but I think I'd end up buying my own unit if it's not local. I'd want to set up a twice yearly schedule for it, so if no one else has one in Seattle yet, maybe I can be a renter/loaner. I think it would be a hassle to keep shipping back and forth. Btw, pretty sure I got my replacement modules from you when I did the RC charger recondition the last time. I got two solid extra years out of the battery.
And so goes the "great idea" of "sharing" this kind of equipment. Usually at some point in the process communication with a fellow "sharer" goes silent. Often when s/he is the one who last had the shared equipment. The idea is nice in theory, but even in well established car clubs I've seen this kind of arrangement go off the rails. Sometimes creating some pretty hard feelings. But hope springs eternal. Maybe someone can make a go of it This time.