I want to add a power outlet in the back near the battery. The easiest would be to just wire it to the battery (with a fuse of course). But I don't want it always on, I only want it on when the car is powered up. I have searched for wiring diagrams but can't find a good one. The only thing I can think of that is powered in the back when the car is on is washer motor, but my guess is the relay is elsewhere so there isn't constant power available, besides I suspect the wiring is in the ceiling. Even a low power wire would work, I could add a relay. Does anyone know of something back there I can use. thanks Lee
?! where did you search? There are really good ones at techinfo.toyota.com. They're interactive, you can highlight particular components or whole circuits and follow them around, jump to location-in-the-car pages or pages showing the connectors and terminals with part numbers and pin positions, etc. You were looking for something better? As for switching power, I've used this handy thing called a VCM-06, which is voltage-sensitive. It can tell when the car's in READY (the voltage from the DC/DC converter is a bit higher than from the battery on its own) and switch itself on, without any need to go find a switched circuit to tap into. It has a couple other nice features, like a settable time delay turning off, so if you want you can stop for a fillup or grab a sandwich without the thing you're powering losing power. It will also turn off unconditionally if the battery starts getting low, so as not to leave you stranded. -Chap
Very interesting idea. It would do it, but it is a bit pricey for what I want. I will have to see if I can find something like it without the timer and other features for less. In the thread I also found a reference to fuse tap which will by my solution for my dashcam so I can get the front power outlet back. I didn't know of them either.
My original prototype version (VCM-06 had just come out earlier that year. but I hadn't heard of it yet) ran me about $3.50 at the local electronics store (plus a relay, natch) and worked well for about 6½ years. Not bad, except when it finally failed, it failed on and drained my battery, thankyouverymuch. -Chap
I was thinking of something like that, but with an added safety feature that won't fail in the on position. Lee