Gas was 1.99 this morning in my home town in Nebraska. Did not think we would ever see gas that low again. Still like powering up better.
Regarding crude oil prices: "“Oil is in a downtrend and risks trending into the $30's,” Paul Ciana, a technical strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a note on Tuesday, as quoted by Business Insider." Bank Of America: Expect $30 Oil | Crude oil is currently priced in the mid-$40 range per barrel (42 gallons).
$2.09 in metro Atlanta; still got 2 bars, so might wait till August to refuel and hope for a drop in price.
It's a lot to do with the blend we get which is specific to our state to meet Federal and California guidelines for smog. I remember the 60's for most of the warmer days, with eyes burning and difficulty breathing. It's unfortunate that the oil companies are allowed to create false crises, and other bogus reasons to overcharge us. Now if we could somehow keep the politicians from stealing gas tax money meant for infrastructure maintenance...!! .
$2.16 here in Jersey when I filled up the other day. I don't pay as much attention to gas prices any more. I fill up every 3rd week or so and prices can change a lot in that time.
I've still only driven 8 miles on ICE, but i fill up my work truck 3 times a week. If it wasn't for work i wouldn't know what gas costs. I did the math the other day and with summer electric prices a little under $0.13/Kwh gas would have to go below $1.62 for it to be cheaper then plugging in.
I tell people all the time that the air quality here in so cal is so much better than when I was a kid. And, today,we have 10 times as many cars on the road at any given time than in the 60's!! I remember the smog alerts. I remember breathing in razor blades. The burning eyes...........and oh yeah, no school due to smog alert. When is the last time we had any of this here in so cal? Today, the charges seem over the top. I agree with you HPrimeadvanced.
where I live ... 2.63 at Costco, most others 2.87-2.99 ... happy that I can go ~ 1200 miles on a tank
Let's see: $1.28 CAD = $0.964992 USD, and one liter = 0.2641721 US gal, so in US terms, that would be $3.65/gal
There is still smog you just pretend it's fog now. Gasbuddy has $2.45 at Ralph's and Valero south of Angel Stadium on W. Chapman. To LA for under $100 My house to Ralph's is 2,440 miles. 55mpg x 10gal. is 550 miles per segment. Morgantown, WV to Vandalia, IL is 552 miles Gas $2.05=$20.50 to Loves I-44@I-35 Oklahoma City, OK is 554 miles $1.79=$17.90 to 7-11 Albuquerque, NM is 552 miles $1.94=$19.40 to Arco Needles, AZ is 530 miles $2.23=$21.20 (9.5 gal.) to Ralph's 252 miles $2.45=$11.30 (4.6 gal.) Could make it back to Needles without refilling. $90.30 total Now all I need is a 55mpg vehicle with a 10 gal+ tank. Road Warrior only stops at the Conway rest area in SW MO. and Albuquerque.
There is fog AND there still is smog, however, especially considering the massive increase in traffic out here, the smog problem has been much improved! Global climate change is certainly not helping the situation, while rising gas prices, hopefully due to taxes benefiting comprehensive infrastructure improvements, will help reduce the smog further. As we move our utilities more and more to renewables, we will improve the quality of life for everyone! .
I guess I've never really understood the fascination with gas prices. $2/gal or $3/gal makes little difference unless you're driving something with a massive gas tank that gets horrible mileage. I've seen friends and family drive all over town to save a few cents. When I try to explain to them that they just wasted several dollars worth of gas driving around to get that deal they still act like they were in the right because they "saved 30 cents that is still in their pocket"... it's like they don't understand they would of had several dollars left in their pocket had they not spent the last 20 minutes driving in circles.