Any idea how I replace this piece of trim? I noticed it was gone and I picked up a new one, but have no idea how to snap it in. Any instructions?
Like day it wasn't there. It was gone. The driver side mirror has it but the passenger side mirror one is gone.
This is interesting, because I have seen two other 2016 Prius that had that chrome piece missing. Are they actually just falling off? Or being stolen? Maybe the guy that lost his is stealing somebody else's, LOL! I'm going to put a bead of super glue along the chrome piece on each mirror. To make it harder to fall off or steal. Damn thieves will steal anything now days! But I still got my ugly plastic hubcaps.
Goddamn...that's crazy...I'm going out there to silicon it down now...hopefully it's still there. LOL. do you have a pic of the new part? I imagine it just snap on. BTW, it should be covered under warranty though...but may be the wait for "repair" isn't worth just spending a few bucks. Some dealership will make you wait hours for stupid repair like this.
Well mine stulll there. Lol. Decided not to silicon. I tried to pry it off and it doesn't even budge. Yours must be defective or someone purposely pried it off
I knocked my cover off on the gate post, just a little dink and it was gone. Fortunately no damage, It all clips together, bit of a jigsaw, but putting it back together the cover fits over the chrome strip. LED's repeater in mine. I dont see how it would come off without the main cover. My mirrors have taken quite a knock in the past with twats driving down the middle of the road smacking mirrors together but it held with just a scuff. If you grasp the outer edge of the cover top and bottom and ease it up and back it should unclip.
Hello, Where do you buy the chrome piece? I have the same problem with my Prius Prime on the right side view mirror. The chrome piece is missing.
I lost mine in a car wash, later the owner (who also has a Prime) called me and said they found in in the gutter during a monthly car wash clean up, yes the car wash washes itself. I had ordered one as well and it just snapped in place. I'd do it on a warm sunny day. Good Luck! bRAD