Going on a trip next month and wondering what everyone was getting on a single charge plus a tank of gas on long trips?
Each day on my US 2 trip out west from Michigan I would charge my battery at each of the motels I stayed at.
My trip will be 712 miles round trip and i will leave here with a full charge and be able to charge at my destination leaving about 662 miles on ICE. Curious if i can make the whole trip.
I would say maybe if you can average 60+ mpg in HV mode. Using the HV battery as much as you can will help. Depends on your driving style, passengers, cargo load, A/C use and temps. Good luck!
It will be August so who knows about the temps but it will be night driving so cooler with less traffic. Speed limit is 70 here and i usually set the cruise at 68.
I averaged 52 miles in 1800 miles with only one charge. Donot use charge mode, waste of gas. Good luck.
On the freeways here, the speed limit is 65, when you can run, meaning no or little traffic, you do under 70 and the trucks will be on your tail, these are on 5 lane highways. I would say my average speed on them is about 73, Once the speed opens up to 70 mph, I'm usually doing about 75-78. My trip to Yosemite which was about 900+ miles round trip (trips back and forth in park included) I averaged 55.7 going up and 71.4 coming back. I only technically recharged once before leaving, but because of the hills I could easily gain 20+ miles of EV on the downhill portions. I had one fill up. Edit: Using charge mode? I tried it, and I think it actually gives pretty good mileage, when you factor in what it adds. YMMV
1,700 mile trip for me. 41 MPG on the way there, almost all highway with most of it at 80 mph using A/C. 50 MPG on the way back, without A/C. I took advantage of charge-mode too. It's very nice for when you get off the highway and need to wander around town, especially the next morning with a cold engine. In the evening, on the way to your lodging after dinner in EV is nice too.