Please, I need some help. I'm just tired about it. I did replaced a Prius by rid pack with a known good one, but the car won't start, since two days ago. These were my observations: 1. Press the power bottom, lights cone on dash, except the ready light. What I have done so far: 1. Got another battery pack, and replaced it. There wasn't any improvement. I did that because I thought the battery pack I bought and fixed, might have failed. 2. Thought it was the auxiliary battery that was bad. Replaced it, no ready light came on. What should I do about this
The safety lock is a TWO step process. Many folks don't complete the second step of pushing the handle down.
Thanks fotomoto. I did all that, no success. I forgot to info the house that the subcode was 350. That's P0AOF-350. I have also used another safety plug, it still didn't work. What amazes me is that all lights come on dash, except the ready light.
Your title says P0A0D, your post says P0A0F. P0A0D has a subcode 350 which denotes the interlock circuit, like fotomoto said. Try that again. It's either that or the inverter cover. P0A0F does not have a subcode 350 in my book.
Andrewclaws. Thanks for pointing out the error. Was a mistake. The code is P0A0D-350, and not P0A0F. Would appreciate any help pls.
P0A0D-350 clearly points to either the battery service plug or the inverter cover interlock switch. If you didn't remove the inverter cover, it's the battery plug. Set the plug again, carefully following the video instructions. This is a common problem.
Hallelujah again! Want to thank everyone whose contributed to helping me sort out the NO READY LIGHT PROBLEM on my Prius. The actual fault was a SMALL CONNECTOR attached to the external of the SERVICE SWITCH, that I just forgot to connect back while I was replacing the battery with a new one. This has thought me again that no matter how experienced one is, just "pretend" to be a novice on the job, and CHECK THROUGH all the connectors. This particular one at the service switch area was just hidden, that one couldn't see. Now the car runs like .... Thanks everyone!