2012 Prius Was driving this morning and several times a warning beep went off and my interior lights would come on and go off. I could tell that something red flashed on the right side of the instrument panel but it went off so quickly I couldn't tell what the symbol was. Any ideas? Will say the car seemed to be running fine. Just like normal. I'm suppose to take it in tomorrow to have a tech take a look. Would like an idea of what to expect. Thanks all
Same occurs to me last week, that red warning sign came on and off so quickly i couldnĀ“t see what exactly the sign was with almost unhearable beep. Supposed to be rear seatbelts unfasten while my dog was jumping on the rear seat . Every seat has a pressure sensor, so it beeps even if you put something heavier on that, like full shopping bag or so. Fastening all the rear seatbelts fixed that weird warning and beep never occurs again...
Maybe one of your doors, or the hatch was not fully secured, and moved enough to set off the "open door" switch. That would turn the interior lights and a red open door light on the dash, and beep.
I experienced the same thing twice. I eventually guessed that my small dog triggered something while on the passenger seat. The interior lights went on once and I can't come up with a reasonable explanation on that.
FuelMiser is right, some door closed unsecurely caused the beep too. In my case boot was open...has nothing to do with interior lights flashing anyway.
If your interior lights came on, that indicates a door not latched, as @FuelMiser pointed out. Mine did that on the way home from buying it. Got out and slammed the hatch. Problem solved.
Interesting point. Shortly after experiencing this, I had to change my FOB battery. Just to double check that we're talking about the same thing... when my light when on, it was just for a few moments. Then it would turn off by itself without slamming the hatch. And no open door indicator was showing on the display. Regardless, you might be right.
It was almost three years ago, so I don't remember about the dome light. But I do remember the door open indicator blinking on & off as I went over bumps.