My wife's 2012 Prius V has worked just fine since we bought it new. Today, my wife noticed that the Apps button is no longer doing anything, so she can't get navigation. I checked, and her phone's bluetooth is turned on, and still knows about the car. However, when I turn on the car and press the Setup button, the Phone, Bluetooth, and Apps buttons highlight when I press them, but nothing else happens. Any ideas? I'm not looking forward to getting charged by the dealer for getting this fixed. Has anyone seen this behavior before?
...and now I'm sitting in the Toyota dealership, sipping the "free" coffee, trying to get work done over a very anemic "free" WiFi, with an estimate of $125 (and a wait time of two hours) to repair the problem that was likely caused by a botched software update over Entune. That just isn't right. Software updates don't happen that often, and if the update system is designed properly, they shouldn't screw up the car's functionality. I work on mobile software, and understand how this all works. Believe me, it's not rocket science. Charging me to fix a problem caused by a faulty design? That's just not right. (Never mind the inconvenience.)
Ah! Supposedly the "Entune" computer is shot. 4-5 days lead time, and $450! On a car that's less than 4 years old!?
...and if anyone is interested, the upshot was that the expansion unit was the actual culprit. That took another two visits to the dealership, and an additional $85 over and above the unnecessarily replaced radio (not an "Entune unit" -- there probably is no such thing).
Sounds very similar to our problem. Went on for the last six weeks or so, plus no radio. Today the radio function actually came back, but still no apps/nav/Bluetooth. What is the expansion unit that you referred to?
I have no idea -- that's just what the repair department called it. In any event, here we are, 4 years later, and I'm back in the same situation again, on the same car. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!