Anyone know how to remove this? I want to be able to clean the gunk found underneath. A toothbrush isn't work too well.
Start with the cupholder lid closed, just as in the picture. Turn one hand palm up, and with the longest one or two fingers, push the top of that lid inward slightly, just enough to get those two fingers past it and under the lower edge of the darker, triangular piece that goes around the shifter. Push upward with those fingers until that shifter trim pops out. Lift it out around the rest of its edges. You don't have to take it completely out or unplug the connectors that go to it; just tip it and set it a bit to the left. Now pull up the cup holder (and the whole right trim edge running up beside the glove box, which all comes with. Wipe up the crumbs. Pop the cupholder back into place. Pop the shifter trim back into place on top of it. It's faster to do than to read. -Chap
Or a small brush, together with a vacuum. That's my technique in a lot of the corners, like the seat hold-down bolt recesses, around the gas pedal, and so on.