Someone lightly bumped my right rear corner in a parking lot, in the area where the back-up light is. The clear plastic cracked and the light no longer works. I am not sure I want to spend the hundreds of dollars for a small crack in the cover, but I would like to replace the lightbulb. I've searched high & low on line to no avail. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I would like to buy a bulb but I also want to price out a new plastic cover in case the crack causes a leak, which does not appear to be the case right now.
This'll be of interest: outch! $700.00 estimate to repair! | PriusChat Current car design is totally oblivious to the costs of parking lot bumps, putting fragile sculpture signal lights out on the corners, bumpers that are black-plastic, painted fairings, and stratospheric costs for parts.
Also note that you should not replace your bulb after driving (if you were using the engine) as the access panel is in vicinity of the exhaust pipe and you don't want to risk accidentally touching the pipe and burning yourself. Best to do it in the morning or before you drive off.
I had a shopping cart hit mine. here's the part number I gleaned from my repair 81531-47010 description: lens & body RR T Unit price $387.60
Lens Body Rear Turn - Toyota (81531-47010) | HanoverParts Lens Body Rear Turn - Toyota (81531-47010) Lens Body Rear Turn - Toyota (81531-47010) | OEMPartWorld
It wasn't me! I was parked in a lot and a young woman talking on her cell phone backed out of the spot behind me right into my Prime. I didn't even exchange papers because i didn't see the crack. My fault for not checking better. I had no idea that the light was out. Did not expect that at all.
Took a look; those lights are right on the corner: Do they actually protrude, not recessed, so say you back into a flat wall, at a certain angle they'll be the first point of contact? Someone should send the design team back to trade school. Looks are great, but c'mon at least some acknowledgement of practicality?? I've got a vague recollection of some past toyota with bulbous running or signal lights, same issue.
I don't even think the lens itself got hit or else it might have gotten smashed. I think the girl's Honda Civic bumped the corner of the bumper and the flexing of the plastic around the lens caused the crack. But to answer your question, no, this lens does not protrude, but if you do back into a wall, it will still break due to the way they incorporated it into the bumper's plastic. Basically, the made the lenses part of the bumper. My old Priuses (2004 & 2012) did not do this. They had bumpers and they had lights and never the twain shall meet.
Too, these lights have migrated a long way, from just being lights. Now they're statements. Sorry, I appreciate I am trolling on this, it's my pet peave. It's not resolving your problem, just grousing.
I think backup light is a replaceable bulb, and the rest are LED's integrated into the unit? Signal Lamps & Reflector for 2017 Toyota Prius Prime | McGeorge Toyota Parts
I am in trouble, in the process of replacing the bulb with LED it fell into the housing of the back taillight and now is inside. Looks like I am going to have to remove the taillight/rear bumper to get to it. Cant find how to do any of the two.
At the least this is replaceable bulb, it seems. With LED lamp like headlight, you don't have that option. You have to change entire assembly for about thousand dollars, I think.
I am going to try one of those swivel magnets and hope I can pull it out that way. If not I might need to remove the entire bumper and then remove the tail light to shake it out. I just wasn't able to locate a thread that has the bumper removal guide.
You don't need to remove the entire bumper to get the assembly out. Just get under the car with a flashlight and remove the clips that hold the splash shield for that side and the 2-3 that hold the wheel well shield and you can pry it out of the way to look at the assembly and undo the fasteners that hold it in place. Did mine at night and took about 10-15 minutes. Looks daunting but take your time. It's pretty simple. moto z3 ?