You go girl!!. We'll be twinsies, with my Titanium Glow Advanced! So classy, elegant, smooooooooth! You gotta love it! Be prepared, the techno on this car is overwhelming!. Enjoy ! .
It's beautiful. I stopped by the dealer and took a look. Can't wait to get our Primes together for a Midwest support-group gathering.
First baby picture! Enjoying the day. I have so much to learn. I was sitting with John in his car watching folks come by and walk around and take pictures of mine charging at HyVee. I'm finally one of the in crowd.
So happy for you, MNdriver. Baby pic looks great. Soon you will be crawling then running. They grow up so fast. Are you tinting at some point?
Admit many of you just peek into the garage now and then just to look at the car sitting there?
Yes, I think I will tint the windows. But decided to go with a local detailer rather than the dealer. Also wondering about a Rain-X type coating for the windshield. The dealer promotes something called Crystal Fusion but the reviews don't seem too positive.
Exactly right! I worry about my country men's healthcare as much as I am concerned about our environment. We all breathe the air and can be at risk from communicable diseases. It's more important than a tax cut to me. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Tinting will really make it look sharp with your color choice. Rain-X works just fine. Also, you get to digest that 800+ page owners manual. Ha, I just noticed you updated your relationship status. Congrats again !!!
What, no garage!! Why that's unAmerican! I'd sue the home builder and get that outrageous oversight corrected post haste! Just tell him you're a Prime owner, and by law your wonderful car is entitled to protection from those nasty Midwest elements; he'll see the light, Har, har, har! .
Oh, they have "garages" But I'm not paying an extra $10.00/month for this. A couple of years ago a high wind blew that section you see next to the house in the picture right off it's foundation and damaged some cars
Them thars, carports, youngin' ! Them ain't no good for nuthin' but helpin' crooks hide while they steal stuff offin' your car. I lived in apartments with carports for some 20+ years; no security and EVERY single night somebody would get their car broken into. The last apartment I lived in, I got my car(s) broken into several times, on one occasion, twice in one night!! Another time, they stripped $15,000 worth of seats, and instruments from my Type R!☠ I ended up storing that car in a friend's closed/locked garage for over a year til I sold it! You have my sympathy ! You've got lousy weather; we've got crooks! Gnarrr, argh! .
yup, 14th floor of a 15 story apartment!1s0x8824c5cf6e345cfb:0x742aa1c651884a47!2m19!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4s!5sclawson+manor+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e3!2s-IP8hbHLwpg4/T4-hV67j-qI/AAAAAAAAAjw/zAhFJSrrSj4DeoZQCTQXCxexD6_gAOxrwCJkC&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG7sfk4vTTAhVls1QKHaSrBzsQoioIdTAK
I'd have nose bleeds all the time. I think the tallest building in my town might be 4 stories...maybe 3.
Hey, what about earthquakes!!, oh that's right, you don't live in California! Man, you must have one hell of a view of the countryside!! Cooool! .