The newest Harbor Freight composite earthquake branded red composite 1/2 dual hammer impact @ 5lbs weight is packing about 800ft lbs of torque and a nice addition to my air tool arsenal saving me both time and RSI (repetitive stress injuries). LG-H918 ?
...actually, we tried the nuts before we jacked up the car, which if you'd had your eyes open, you would have noticed since you were obviously there!
I totally understand, and the event happened at least 3 years ago, so it's no wonder that the order of events jumbled up! I thought that perhaps you might have been marvelling at the size of the young lady. Planetoid doesn't even begin to describe her. My main concern was that she was going to break the lug-wrench!
Don't know if you are still looking or in the market @Mendel Leisk , but this past weekend we used the electric impact wrench my old man purchased from Harbor Freight about 10 years ago to remove winter tires, replace them with summer tires and then again to replace a bad wheel bearing hub assembly. It worked just as well as the one I bought last month. My old man loves it and makes the job a whole lot easier. When we were done with it, put it back on the shelf next to the other electric tools kept in the garage for next time. Just a data point if you are still looking
There are good options out there. Anything else on the B-Day list for Mrs. Leisk to choose from? Or are you B-Day and Christmas presents covered for this year given the rims gotten last month?
Many moons ago, I invested in a "Rigid" (Home Despot own brand) screwdriver & impact wrench kit (guaranteed for LIFE!) most useful!
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that the rims were Mrs. Leisk's pressie from Mendel himself
Well, the last couple of visits I made to the local Home-Boy Despot, there was a noticable abscence of roaming "helpers" to the point that I thought about grabbing an empty cart, and emptying shelves of stuff into it, wheeling it around without the slightest intention of paying for it, just to attract some attention!
Possible. The last time I went to Target (it shares a parking lot with Home Depot) they actually had a sincronized horn system to alert the "roamers" when they had one on the hook. Blew the horn for the number of people needed. It's at a whole nother level
Gawd! The very thought of Home-Boy Despot & Tarjet bejng in such close proximity gives me a migraine!!!