They're using DRCC to pace the car in front of them so they can look at Waze on their phones so they can avoid getting caught for speeding. So, yes, they're using technology to help them speed while distracted.
Which mount did you get? the one with .040 pins? They also list one with .075 pins specifically for the v1 but I assume the rj11 jack is the same. Also was the 10" long enough or is the longer one required? TIA
Ignore the old farts who don't drive in places where it is common to go fast. My Prius routinely hits triple digit speeds as well. My radar/laser detector is just normal dash mount. The pulse guns will get you unfortunately. But around here I am just going with the flow and the tickets are reserved for those that are racing between cars. Going the speed limit 40mph under the normal flow of traffic is incredibly stupid, that's an accident waiting to happen. There is a reason why there are minimum speed limits as well. The delta speed between vehicles is what causes accidents on open stretches of highway. One slow vehicle blocking an entire lane on a 2 lane road, and now you have a rolling roadblock that causes traffic problems for miles. Here you would get a ticket. Yes, you get a ticket for going UNDER the speed limit if you are causing 5 or more vehicles to be stuck behind you. I hope you drive here one day and get your license taken away for such stupidity.
Most people will drive at a speed that feels safe to them. Good speed limit management sets the speed limit at about what the 85th percentile of drivers is running unless there are some unseen hazards ahead. The Oregon example is one of poor speed limit management. The Utah example may very well also be poor speed limit management. Too many drivers and too many junker cars really shouldn't be driving at 80 no matter where they are. And, they need cell phone jammers along the highway.
What about the cops who pull over multiple people at once? DW suffered that last year (though not for speeding). Where in the U.S. does that happen? I've never heard of a place where 'normal flow' is 40 mph over PSL. And what about the commercial trucks with speed limiters set to 65-ish? Does their 'slow' speed contribute to crashes? The delta speed of crashes is a major contributor to injuries and fatalities. The largest speed deltas are (1) head-on collisions, and (2) vehicles striking fixed roadside objects, from trees and bridge supports to the ground itself. Compared to these, the speed deltas of traffic moving in the same direction are relatively small. Most people also have scrambled and unrealistic risk perceptions, some things perceived far higher than reality, others too low. Thus, the public doesn't worry much about 100+ people getting snuffed out on the roads every day, but gets highly upset about certain other risks that take one to two orders of magnitude fewer lives.
In California, vehicles with trailers (truckers, pickups towing an RV, whatever) are limited to 55mph. On rural freeways, cars have a 70mph limit. So even at the legal limit, there is a 15mph speed difference. So if the prevailing speed is 40mph over the posted speed limit, does that mean that a cop could pull over someone going 20mph over the speed limit and give them two tickets: one for speeding (going too fast), one for obstructing traffic (going too slow)?
I live in SoCal. Worse than speeding: Running red lights, very routine here. Never seen anybody get a ticket unless its an intersection with a camera. If the car in front of you does it, then its ok just to follow them. One time a UPS driver did it and honked his horn going through the red light so nobody would get in his way. Driving in the carpool lane by yourself in a F-150. Again no tickets given for this. I don't even do it in my new Prime since I don't have my sticker yet. Statistics on this are about 20%. Do they feel any guilt at all? Driving in the rain. It amplifies the slow and fast drivers and crazy lane changes. I agree Waze is your best friend for avoiding a ticket. Last ticket I got was going almost 70 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. It wan't intentional, just was in a hurry and not paying attention. Likely won't happen in my Prime since I am coasting more than accelerating.
agreed, in SoCal during commute hours, no cops in sight anywhere - if they were, it'd be a huge mess beyond what it already is
thanks aznkorboi! Worked like a charm. Hardest part was the trim. Pull down towards the dash inline with the windsheild a bit on the large cover. Pop the top of center plastic piece down and out from the top.
Hmmm.. Wondering if I could hook up my dash cam like that so I don't have to run a looooooong usb cable. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
In Western PA on I-79 north during rush hour people commonly go 20-25 over the speed limit. When a cop decides to try to enforce the speed limit on the highway around Cranberry's exit, there's usually a pileup accident with everyone slamming their brakes on to the point where traffic stops. Seems like most pileups happen in the middle lane too. Traffic backs up for miles and miles. I would say the would be maybe 1-3 accidents a week on this road just on the commute home. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It looks like I-79 has one exit to the access road that then splits to Rt 228 and then the same access road ~2000 ft further connects I-76. Then there is that concrete lined gutter ... I could see it leading to a lot of accidents as folks try to shift lanes. Someone on the high-speed lane trying to shift over could easily misjudge and fail. Bob Wilson
Going 40 mph over the PSL is incredibly stupid and dangerous. Yes, there is a minimum speed limit. Around Chicago it's 45 in a 55 or 65. Yet morons are driving over 100. If me being an old fart driving the speed limit in the right lane when there are three or four more to my left is an inconvenience to you daredevils, that's too bad. I find speeders an inconvenience when they lose control and crash and maybe kill people, and add an hour to my commute. Talk about stupidity....
I laugh at most of these, the only speeding offense (I say offense because they gave me a written warning rather than a ticket) I ever got was for doing an impossible speed on a curving road. I say that because there was no way I could have been going as fast as he claimed given I was behind other cars and the road wouldn't have accommodated that speed in the vehicle I owned. Now if I had still owned the car prior to that one, all bets would have been off. Today I am generally more relaxed. If the prevailing speed on the road is the speed limit, I drive the speed limit, if it is 5 to 10 over then I am 5 to 10 over. My rule of thumb is to never be amongst the fastest or the slowest on any roadway. I do that same when driving in SoCal when visiting family which drives my in-laws crazy because I don't drive like a maniac on the highway, but then they also laugh at the fact I always use my turn signal. I swear the other day a cop looked at me funny while driving a little quick but with prevailing traffic because I was in a red car, he saw it was a Prius and went back to his other activities. To date, other than the one warning, I have never gotten a speeding ticket in 30 years of driving ( OH MY GOODNESS 30 years....Now I wish I hadn't just calculated that). But if it makes you feel better putting a radar detector in your Prius more power to you. Just be careful not to interfere with any of the actual safety features built into the car.