So I just got another Prius, an 02, and a notification from my local u pull yard says that they put out an 02 Prius yesterday. Hope, hope, hope it's a silver one and that it has an intact front bumper cover. Woo hoo! Battery and catalytic converter won't be there, but LMK yer needs and I'll see what I can do. I know nothing of the car's condition, but the last one I pulled parts from there looked like it was junked for mechanical reasons. I'm planning a trip out there tomorrow (may go look today, tho.)
Brian, Mind if I ask which yard has that '02? I'd like to price a rear door to replace the one in my '02, which is wrinkled. Thanks.
Thanks, Brian. Enjoying your adventure with your recent acquisition...please keep posting! I think I may have ask you a few questions previously about my newly acquired '02 several months back regarding fluid changes, etc. My ride seems to be doing fine now but I just ordered a techstream cable to see if I can check the HV battery and whatever else I can find out with that toy. My '02 only has 44k miles or so on it but after sitting around Tucson for 15 years, no telling what I might find.
Probably going back today to get my $3 core charge for the booster. If the front bumper is still there, I'm going to get it, the one on the project car is too busted up.