I have a 2011 Gen 3 Prius that I just replaced the steering wheel clock spring because it was bad. I did have to move the steering sensor from one clock Spring to the other and it did move. When I turn on the car I get the ABS, Traction Control, Brake and Brake Warning light. I did some research and found a YouTube video that shows the steering sensor reset done with a paperclip on a 2013 Prius (shorting the 4th pin on the top of the obd ll connection and the 5th pin on the bottom). This procedure worked but did not solve my problem, all lights are still on. Any suggestions? I have a 2011 and it was a 2013, is there a difference?
I did not have this problem until I switched out the spiral cable for an inop horn. It seems that the steering sensor is a separate unit that snaps onto the back of the spiral cable assembly. Any ideas?
Why not pull the codes and post 'em here? It's easier to say what to do about a problem after knowing what the problem is. You can do that with a short piece of wire. (That doesn't work for all Prius codes, so you should eventually have a proper reader, but for codes in the ABS/VSC/TRAC system, it does). -Chap
I will get the codes a little later with the Innova (when I get home from work) but for now am I jumping the right pins for a 2011? I have seen two variations but none performed on the 2012 gen 3. I am jumping pin 4 and 13. It is doing the flashing like in the video but none of the lights are going off?
I would not jump any wire. Use a proper diagnostic interface to read the error codes and then adapt (reset) the steering sensor. I have not done it on toyota, but done it on other cars, so I can not be more specific
A simple jumper between pins 4 and 13 is a real technique for getting the codes to blink out. You could count those blinks and post the codes here, which would help us know what's going on. That by itself does not, repeat does not, clear anything. I think you're the second or third person to come on here in the last week or two thinking a pin 4 to 13 jump should have cleared your codes. I wonder if there is some wrong information posted somewhere that you have all been finding. Do you remember where you came across it? -Chap
This is the link. If the link does not work go to Google and put the the phrase "prius steering angle sensor reset" Look for this picture
Is there a way to reset the steering angle sensor with my Innova OBD ll tool? I can reset the abs light but it just comes back on.
What a funny video. He even shows the blinking dash lights while the pins are jumpered, and remarks on them, and doesn't say one word about how to count the blinks and understand what codes are being reported, which is the main purpose of jumpering those two pins. He does seem to believe that leaving them jumpered for 30-40 seconds will trigger a steering angle sensor relearn. He could be right, I can't say for sure he isn't (without spending $15). If that is a way to trigger the relearn, the repair manual would definitely say so. I can say it's not in the notes I copied down the time I did sign in for the manual looking for procedures that can be done without Techstream. But it's possible I missed one. If I remember, I'll look it up the next time I'm signed in. Or somebody who has access could post a section/page number if it's really there. The goofiest thing about the video not explaining how to read the codes is, of course, even supposing that does trigger a steering angle relearn, that will only make your lights go away if a steering angle relearn is what the car wants, which is what the codes would tell you. So it's demonstrated again, the internet is sometimes a good place to get information.... -Chap
That was well said. My whole issue is that this method is not working for me. Everything in the video is duplicated including the lights but they do not reset. I will hook up my Innova and get the abs codes.
I have a similar problem (I think?). After 1 year of using Prius (10,000 miles), now my car "goes" a little on the right. A large 100 meters -> 0.5 meters to the right. Is this a problem with the steering system? I have 4 new tires and I do not have any accidents. Can you give me some advise, what can I do? Thanks a lot and Regards, 4all
I guess I'm a couple years too late replying to this post, but it's worth a reply because of the irony: if the poster had just been counting the light blinks while 'duplicating' everything in the video, they'd already have the codes, and not need to hook up any special tool to get them (unless they wanted the further information beyond basic codes that the tool could retrieve).
dont jump odb port, my mechanic jumped some wires on the odb after installing clockspring to reset sensors and now i need to replace abs ecu.
You should be careful, but if you fallow the repair manual, it will not cause any problem. Using an OBD reader is less stressful.