Triple A just came out with a report predicting a 40 cent bump in gas prices this summer. Sure am glad I drive a Prime.
that puts us around $2.50, i get about 60 miles for that, and 60 miles of electric cost me around $3.20
I'm at $2.28 in NJ after our $.23 increase in Nov. Merged, please use multiquote. Thanks. How you calculate cost per mile for electric. Not sure how to do that.
i divide my total bill by kWh used. we don't have any minimum monthly, tiered or time of use rates. we have a kWh price, and then 4 billion add ons like production charges, delivery charges, ceo salary charges and etc.
I use my (roughly .145) kWh charge *6.1(full charge, not sure if right number) *5.5(charges per week). And yeah, the ceo salary hurts.
40% more would put us at about $3/gallon here. My last tank was $3.41 per 100 miles including electricity. At 40% more, it would have been $4.39 ($0.98 more). My old Gen 2 would have gone from $4.43 to $6.12 per 100 miles ($1.69 more). But I wonder if electricity will stay the same.
With all fees included cost me 90 cents...I'm wondering how did you come with this number for electricity Prime will take from empty to full about 8 1/4 Kw Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Oops!! I somehow inserted a "per" in from of "cent." @bisco, our gas prices are similar to Orlando. They just went up about a nickel here. I paid $2.169/gallon Sunday, but most places are about $2.20 or so now. For electric, if I'd had to buy all I used, I'd have spent about $0.85 per 100 miles on electrons. But I only had to pay for a little over half my electricity thanks to charging at work and church for free. I would for sure be able to use more electricity and less gas in a Prime.
I am paying 11 cents per KWH in Dover, DE and I get 4.4 miles per KWH which means that traveling 100 miles costs me $2.50. When running pure gas hybrid, I am getting 55 mpg, which translates into 1.8 gals of gas which, at current prices ($2.25), means I pay $3.96 to travel the same 100 miles. Even at today's gasoline prices, I am saving a lot driving on pure electric. Not to mention the lower impact on the environment, even taking into consideration the upstream pollution. I can't figure out why California PUC would be rigging the rates and thereby discouraging electric cars. Is that for real? Is this because of more stringent pollution control for California utilities?