I will try to keep this short and sweet... Bought a CPO 2013 PIP from Toyota Santa Monica. Got a great deal. Low miles. One owner. Carfax etc. Got it home then took a closer look at the brand new tires on it: Linglong Greenmax Hp010. Did some research on the brand and the reviews are terrible. Great if you just want a LRR tire, terrible if you want anything remotely close to safe. Didn't realize how bad they really were until I got the car on the freeway. Did not like them at all. So, new tires... First choice: Michelin Energy Saver AS. Not available. Back ordered everywhere. Second choice: Bridgestone Ecopia 422 plus. Found it at Firestone with $50 off coupon. OTD $500. Made an appointment to get it done. Called the next day to make sure they had the right Ecopias. They did. HOWEVER, the tires were "marked pink" which means that the maufacturers put a hold on the tires and Firestone could not sell them to me. Knew Costco customers were reporting positive feedback thanks to this site. Called my local Costco. They had the right Ecopias. Drove up there, bought a membership ($55), and bought the tires with an instant $70 off Bridgestone coupon. OTD $420. No wait. Ready in 1 hour. Very pleased. Asked the mechanic if he ever heard of Linglong. He laughed and said no. Said he wondered why someone was replacing what appeared to be brand new tires. I told him to go research Linglong. He laughed again. End of story.
did you check tire rack? i recently got my michelin energy savers there. why would a low mile pip already have replacement tires? i replaced mine at 50,000 miles.
Yes prices at Tirerack were comparable but not better. No manufacturers coupon on the Ecopias. $353 for the tires + $68 for delivery. Michelins are back ordered there and I needed tires asap. Read lots of reports of OEM tires not lasting 30k miles (EP20 and Avids), maybe the dealership replaced the tires to sell the car I don't know. My question is why anyone is putting Linglongs on a PIP. Such a bad tire.
640AA tire rating and 70k tread warranty do make me feel better though, not to mention all the discounts available to me now through Costco. It's amazing how much money you can save shopping there.
I'm totally new at this type thing so I have no idea how to start a thread.....but I had a question about tires and I was hoping maybe some of you could help. I have been researching multiple tires for my 2010 Prius. I've narrowed it down to 3 different ones based on pricing, availability, etc. Would love opinions/ thoughts on the following....1) BF Goodrich Advantage T/A Sport 2) Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max 3) Bridgestone Ecopia 422+
Depends on what you want. Ecopias then the Fuel Max---in that order---if you want better MPG. Advantage Sports if you want better handling.
Looks like you did it! (Sort of) Welcome! There are tons of threads on tires here...the search function is your friend. You also may want to post in the Gen 3 forum since this is mainly for Plug-ins. You'll still get good answers here, but you'll get more eyes over there. But again, search for a bit first. To answer your question, plenty of people like Michelin and I include myself in that group. I've had Energy Savers and Premiers - like them both very much and I'd have to be convinced there was something a lot better out there before I go a different direction. FWIW. Good luck and happy driving!
Because they wanted the new buyer to see shiny black and think "cool, newer tires!" My question is, did you go back to confront the dealer to question them about the tires? I'd be curious to know their answer.
Sent them an email. They responded saying they could get me tires at a discount. I asked for a price list. Then I never heard from them about it again. Ever since I bought the car they don't seem to have any time to answer my questions. Tempted to go up there.
Very happy with the tires. Not sure how great they are because I feel like any tire would be a significant step up from the Linglongs, but improved grip on the freeway, much better braking, and good in the rain. There has been a small drop off in MPG but I expected that. Tread is thicker, tires are heavier by about 2 lbs each, and using manufacturer recommended PSI (35/33). One thing I noticed was that somehow regenerative breaking has gotten much stronger with these tires, meaning battery is recharging much faster/better. On another note, obviously there are lots of good tire choices out there. Also considered were the Continental PureContact (tirerack coupon $70? off) and Michelin Defenders (quality tires well worth consideration).
Honestly I don't know why. Wish someone could explain. All I can say is tires have better grip, improving braking response, and I am getting more regeneration than I had with the Linglongs. As an example before the battery would recharge .1 at at time, but now I catch it jumping .2 at a time. It's hard to miss. My overall EV range has dropped from 13.7 to 13.2 but I expect that number to go back up very soon. MPG is already improving as I learn to drive the car again without it being on roller skates.
Which tire did you get? There are at least 3 different tires that are labeled EP422+. One is from Japan, one from USA, one from Mexico. The Japanese tire has a lower weight limit, cheapest and rated 44PSI max it may be used OEM by Toyota. The US tire is most expensive and rated at 44 PSI max. The Mexican tire is Used OEM by Volkswagen and has a 51PSI sidewall rating. FWIW I chose the Mexican tire, run them at 51PSI, and am very pleased with the fuel economy and performance.