I went on Amazon to purchase a Mini VCI for my 2008 Prius, but was bedazzled by the number of choices available. I'm running Windows 10 Home Edition, and many available units specify Windows XP as the required OS. Does this mean that more recent versions are supported (such as Windows 7,8,or 10), or does it specifically need to be Windows XP? I;m hoping that a few members here on PC are running this same OS as me, who have purchased the proper "version" of the Mini VCI and can direct me to the correct version. Thank you in advance to any forum members who can direct me. I've used this forum several times for problems with my 2008 Prius, and have never been steered wrong, and solved every problem so far!
It can be run on 10. But for a novice you will have a much easier time putting it on xp. Buy a cheap xp machine. It will save you hours of frustration.
Burn windows 10 with a vengeance. Where you aware they have an actual keylogger on there. Amount other spying things. They collect the data for the NSA. Microsoft is getting paid and gives no lick about you as long as the mighty greedy dollar is first. You can't blame Bill too much since he isn't running the company for the past 5+ years and has some Indian guy heading the company.
I had XP on an old desktop that has a crashed HD. I will probably try my current laptop with Win 10 because the acquisition of the mini VCI is, once again, preemptive. I'm no computer nerd, but I've always been able to solve my computer issues by going online to Youtube or similar sites, such as this forum with all you fine people. I sure wish YouTube was around when I was in HS and college- would not have known what to do with myself to have all that knowledge at my fingertips!!! I'm pushing 213,000 miles on the Prius, and wish to have this additional diagnostic ability before the next MIL decorates my dashboard, It still has the original traction battery, which still works flawlessly and I've pretty much kept up with the maintenance needs, which have been minimal. Used YouTube to change my headlight halogen bulbs (I followed a link from this forum). It's scary that there are literally hundreds of things that could go wrong, especially from an electrical perspective. I'm still waiting on the CV boots to bust, but they are in really good shape and no signs of deterioration. It's been the best car to date I've ever owned, even if it blew up tomorrow! AS advanced as these cars are, it's still a fact that changing the oil regularly and using a synthetic oil with an OEM filter is the best insurance for a trouble-free car.
I think the major problem is that you have to use a 64 bit driver for the device. The listings that specify XP obviously don't include a 64 bit driver, or it doesn't work...
some versions come with 64bit drivers that work on 10 (yuck) slightly trickier to install but its not a problem .. well no more of a problem than w10 anyway lol I use the 32 bit version on windows 7 via an old MacBook
I bought a mini-VCI version 10.10.018 for Windows 10, 64-bit from the seller "obdfamily". We exchanged several emails to verify that it would work on my Dell laptop and I was assured it would with money back guarantee. It came with both text and video instructions. It loaded without any issues and McAfee did not pick up any viruses. It has worked very well and I have had no issues with the laptop. If you can find seller obdfamily take a look at their offerings.
Viruses in recommended software. So got a Mini VCI cable with a link to a folder on the infamous Mega.nz to download Techstream, MiniVCI driver and a patch. Probably a hack that lets us use commercial software for free. Well, you can see this coming - the Techstream and the Mini VCI drivers are both solidly infected with Trojans. So - hoping you might know a virus-free source for those: Techstream & the mini VCI drivers. Thanks !
A few years back there was a thread in the Gen2 forums that had links to a couple of VM's. These Virtual Machines had Techstream and drivers preinstalled. So you only had to find and install the VM player, then run the VM. Use the search function, might been from 2022. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.