Hello everyone, I just got my first prius ever three weeks ago, I have a used 2012 Prius C with 95k miles on it and no past accidents reported. I love it but for the past at least two weeks I have noticed this vibration noise when going above 40 but it doesnt seem to do it at faster speeds. It will sound almost like when a car next to you is playing loud music and you can hear the base vibration. So it sounds like vibration, but It doesn't feel like anything is actually vibrating. If i take my foot of the gas it stops making the noise. Its not a continuous vibration noise it will do it for a couple seconds, stop, and then start again. I bought a four year warranty, but I don't know if this is normal for hybrids or if I should bring it in. Thanks!
Sounds like wheel bearings, have them checked or check them yourself. I can usually identify them by rolling at slow speed with no radio and windows open, especially when you go by a car or wall. There is a harmonic like rumble. Blueman
I have the same thing, noise is on the front driver's side wheel. It's most likely wheel bearing issue. Just have to save some money for the repair. 105,323 miles on 2012 c.
I took mine in to Toyota and they said they didn't hear anything abnormal and said the noise was normal, but we could have different problems