Hello, I'm looking to buy a used 2014 Prius C which I'll use as an office for a few months. I will need to run my laptop which the power brick says 130w, and two external ASUS USB 15.6 inch monitors approx 8 hours a day 6 days a week. I'll attach a picture of the power requirements for the laptop. Would it be possible to run it ith a 400w power inverter, connect it to cig lighter or run a direct line to the battery? What are my options? Thank you in advance.
The main power for the Prius C comes from the high voltage traction battery - but that battery is only connected while the car is turned on. When the car is turned off, the car runs from the 12V battery. Because the 12V battery doesn't need to actually crank an engine, it's sized much smaller than the 12V batteries in conventional cars. So even if you were to run a circuit direct to that battery I'd be very concerned about draining it with a 400W power inverter. At 12V, 400W requires a draw of 32Amps, and even full sized standard car batteries only have a capacity of around 40 Amp-hours. Even the main traction battery itself is only rated at 900 Watt-hours, so leaving the car turned on so that you can tap it's power isn't going to get you much further. If you really have to be independent of the grid, I think you're going to need to seriously consider looking for ways to reduce your power requirements. If there's any way for you to do your work on a phone or tablet that would go a long way toward solving your problem.
And I can't help but wonder why TWO external monitors would be required ? Desirable maybe ........but required ??? I don't think a good answer is possible without knowing how often your "mobil office" will actually be moving down the road.
Thanks for the explanation, appreciated. But these things kind of go over my head. Based on what you said it's not doable at all without major modifications? @Sam Spade It kind of is, but maybe I can get way with working with just one extra monitor. I'm still lost on this.
G'day, Do a test? 'Power' on the car (put your foot on the brake when you hit the start button - not the footless accessory-only 'Power' which will flatten your battery) and connect the inverter. With nothing connected to it, switch the inverter on. If no problems, plug in your computer system. Boot up the computer and run it for several minutes. Then if OK, turn on one, then both monitors (if you really need three monitors ). You did not mention the power spec of the USB monitors - should be somewhere on the monitor label at the back or underneath? With the car's "Power" on, if the battery drain reaches a certain level, the petrol/gas engine should start up and run for a few minutes to recharge the batteries and then shut down. I find this happens when I'm parked in our summer heat with the aircon running. See how long the internal combustion engine (ICE) runs if your test is looking good, and how long it is between these ICE runs, and if this is acceptable to you. The other test issue would be to confirm that the fuse in the 12V accessory socket line is OK for the current drawn by your computer/monitor set-up, particularly during start-up. Check the fuse size if you can, and where it is in the car's fuse box, and have a spare handy just in case the test blows a fuse. I wouldn't try a direct connection to the 12V battery in your situation. But with the car 'Power' off, you could check the 12V battery voltage with a multimeter before and after your test to see that it has not dropped much or at all because of the testing (should be about 12V or more, pre-start and post-finish). Good luck, David S.
According to my 2012 Prius C owner's manual, the circuit for the 12V DC power outlet uses a 15A fuse - that works out to 180W of power. So I'd suggest not using anything more than a 150W power inverter through that outlet. Replacing the fuse with a larger one is foolish because the wiring is almost certainly sized for that fuse - trying to push anything more through it would be risky. Of course that doesn't preclude running your own wires of appropriate gauge with your own fuse directly to the 12V battery. But you'd probably need to leave the car turned on in order to avoid draining it. Be aware that some areas have laws against leaving cars idling, not to mention the dangers of letting exhaust fumes build up around your vehicle.
When your C is running, it can power your Office. (Remember to get gas) The C cannot power your office when off, or on Accessory. The cigarette lighter may not be able to power your office. I have no idea what kind of laptop you have but 130 watts is 20 less than the cigarette lighter can do. The USB monitors will add another 10 watts, so I seriously doubt the 15 amp fuse will survive. The DC to AC adapter will most likely need to be attached to the 12 volt line which will make it even more YOUR concern not to run your office when the car is not in Ready. An automotive electrician would use some thing like this to keep the battery from discharging amazon.com/Electronics-Salon-Voltage-Disconnect-Protect-Prolong/dp/B018TK5WIM If you decide to have an electrician wire your DC to AC converter to the battery, I would buy a Jump start kit as well, in case you still drain the battery despite protection. amazon.com/Compact-DBPOWER-8000mAh-Portable-Flashlight/dp/B013UJ2JCE
I do not, of course, know what it is that you are doing......because you haven't told us.....but I suspect that you are confusing what you WANT to be able to do with what you actually NEED to get the job done. A laptop with a bigger screen might be a better alternative. The post above is good; I won't try to better it.......except so say that in the end it might be a simple matter of you wanting to USE more power than the car can reasonably be expected to produce......safely.
G'day again tol123, Sean & JimboP make good points (Well, I agree with what they've posted ). As you have a laptop, how good is its battery? If you can charge it in a trickle mode (say, via a usb socket in the car?), then your power need from the inverter is just to run the two monitors. If they're low power lcd/led types (Jimbo suggested 10W each - but check), then your 400W inverter should handle them OK. I believe the inverter only draws as much power as it needs/senses is required, so being way over spec is not a problem (400W available for just 20W demand). But having a 150W inverter (Sean's suggestion) would be safer as its fuse would blow before the car's, if you inadvertently ran over the 150W limit. Again, always 'Power' on the car first. David S.
I have 5 laptops around the house, (our theater ticketing app, 3 laptops, needs at least Win 7 and works better on Win 10, Our BBQ judging app needs a full screen DOS box, so XP, two laptops, is the last OS for it) none use a charger greater than 95 watts and several use 65 watts. It is possible you want a more frugal laptop. This uses a 45 watt charger amazon.com/gp/product/B01CGGOZOM
I am not sure it is ever too long... They have tried to have a windowed BBQ judging app, so far none does what the DOS based app can. So long as I can get cheap XP laptops on ebay I am doing well, but DOS does not know about USB, so printing is getting trickier. My wife was a Lions Club President, in community theater, and judging BBQ when I married her, so I took an interest so I would have hobbies in common with her. The local Lions are water stop 5 on the Viking Half Marathon Viking Half Marathon and 5k - Home Our next theatrical production is Ring of Fire March 23 to 26 I next judge BBQ in New Orleans Hogs For The Cause 2017 - New Orleans BBQ competition
This is getting pretty far off topic, and for that my apologies - but have you looked for Android or iOS based apps? Phones are where all the app action is these days. If the one you need hasn't been released for Windows by this time then you're probably out of luck, and finding machines to run DOS programs is just going to get harder and harder.
I do not think they have. Due to the idea of 'blind judging', where the judges names and scores are keep from the teams and the team names and scores are kept from the judges; the scorekeeper is a pretty isolated occupation. Mobility does not serve any point. Unless Android or iOS is significantly easier to write for than Windows, getting a programmer to understand both the platform and the task will be the same. Not having a keyboard to enter 90 team names will not win friends at the scoring table. One set of contests, steak judging, is so blind that the person announcing the winner has no idea who won, he announces the winning team number and the team with that number announces they are the winner. (we value honesty in judging) Memphis Barbecue Network Steak Cookoff Association - SCA 101
You'd be better off going to a Harbor Freight store and buying their small generator. (It's about $130.00) It's about the size of a carry on bag. Because there is no way your Prius is going to power what your needing.
Fascinating. I spent just a few minutes Googling and was surprised at how widespread these kinds of events are. They sound like a ton of fun, and I hope you and your DOS machines get to enjoy them for many years to come!