As our Prius is our only car, I built a special rack that slots into the gaps on each side of the rear hatch and allows me to carry 4-foot by 8-foot sheets of plywood , drywall, or other construction materials from the store to our home. This rear rack is just over 4 feet wide at the top, but tapers so that the side supports fit into the narrow gap on each side of the hatch neat it's top. The middle and front of the wood sheet rests on foam rolls like yoga mats, and it is held on the roof by 4 ratcheting straps sold by BJs. I drove the 4x8 sheet of plywood in the picture home, and it was stable at speeds of 38 mph or below. But clearly the aerodynamics of the Prius are destroyed and the driving could be dangerous at higher speeds or when cornering due to the extra weight on top. On our way to the store: Coming home With the plywood: Detail of the DIY rear rack: Next time I would choose to shift the plywood sheet about 6 inches forward so that it would about even with the top of the front window and hang a little bit less over the rear rack.
Thats pretty stupid. Put a Curt hitch on the car and you can rent a trailer at Uhaul for $23. Your gonna scratch the hell out of your car or dent the roof. You look like you live in a pretty upscale neighborhood stop being so cheap.
Robert, I hate to say it, but I kind of agree. I'd be nervous to be sharing the road with you, and cops might take a dim view. Maybe just get the plywood delivered? FWIW, I've transported my share of unwieldy, on the verge of being airborne items.
Oh, for heaven's sake, people. It's his car, he can do what he wants. Scratches? Seriously? Stop projecting your insecurities on the OP. The sheet is strapped down, and he specifically said he isn't doing any high speed driving with it up there. And, believe it or not, some people would rather not spend $200 on a hitch and $23 on a trailer rental just to get a sheet of plywood home. He comes on here to show off something he made, that looks like it works perfectly, and is ingenious in its function, and you all pile on like flies on dogs**t.
At least I don't have to share the road with him! As I have said before, $2 dollar head, $2 dollar helmet. I value my car and the safety of others much more than $223...
Your green hubcaps look ridiculous Vman. Maybe they would look better with a sheet of plywood strapped to the roof.
Personally, I'd buy a roof rack (my goal before getting distracted here), but thumbs up anyway. Renting a truck every time I want a 2x4? Get real! People in this country need to lighten up. A car is a tool. Nobody's going to die from a bit of well-measured ingenuity. They might waste a weekend on a DIY project, but death and dismemberment is pure paranoia.
Who said anything about a 2x4? Nothing worse than running over some big sh^t in the road because some moron is too cheap to do it right and secure there load. Around here its a real good way to die. Worse drivers youi have ever seen.