I was able to remove the front license plate retainer, advertising plate, and screws holding the plate mount. But the plate mount assembly does not come off and suggests an adhesive is holding it on: It feels like the mounting frame is glued to the front bumper cover. Would anyone know the part number from Toyota? If I can find the part and mount instructions, we can quickly determine if it is glued to the front bumper. Removing such parts without surface damage is ... difficult. So one alternative is to fabricate cover painted to match the front and use it for future projects. For example, front bumper protection system to prevent pulling too close to a wall or parking barrier. It might even alarm if someone tries to park too close to the car. Esthetic, I prefer simple . . . a part that does not exist can not break. But there is also a risk of inducing aerodynamic noise. Any suggestions? Thanks, Bob Wilson
FYI, I called them and talked with their service department. No glue so I'm still without a clue. Bob Wilson
Since I bought my Prime in Michigan the front plate was not installed. But I did get the front plate as an accessory. Here's pics
Ah HA! The blue strips look to be double-sided tape! That is consistent with the motion I'm seeing. A thin blade or dental floss should separate the part. Then all I have to do is figure out how to remove the residual. BUT that would expose the recesses and blocks that it anchors. Looks like a build job. Bob Wilson
thanks for this. Did what you did as well. Removed the license plate and tried to remove the screws on the black holder but it wouldn't move. Now I know! There will still be 2 holes but that's ok
You may want to show the dealers service department how it's done lolllllzzzz Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My car came with the front holder installed, but the dealer neglected to pull the blue strips off. I got lucky. Someone said that even without having the holder installed that the bumper is predrilled. When warm weather hits I intend to use a burnisher to push the plastic down flat and then fill the holes with black caulk.
Removed the two silver screws and just PULLED. The stickies are not 3m, pretty basic lame easy to remove. No need for goo gone. I just peeled it off which left the photo above, the two matte looking black square areas. I don't know how to add photos.. The image link only asks for an actual link.. Lame.
Wondering if you can get a cap for that so the holes won’t be exposed. I hate front plates and honestly would rather shop around for a car without a front plant than deal with bumper holes. Yes, I’m anal. Lol