Hello All, This started yesterday. I have searched and only found this problem related to "key detected in vehicle" while driving, which was usually a latch problem. In my case, this is not quite what's happening. I first noticed that when I got out of the car with the car off and the key IN the car, the car beeped and the display said "key detected in vehicle" (note - as opposed to NOT in vehicle). When I took the key out and closed the door, the doors automatically locked. It is NOT programed to do that, and has never done so in the past. Other symptoms - get in the car (with key), press brake to start car, display says "key detected in vehicle" (again, as opposed to "NOT"). Car start button lights green fine, and car starts fine otherwise. Again, if I leave the key in the car, get out, and close the door, I get the warning. Take key out, close the door, and it auto locks. Initially thinking it was just a dying fob battery, I got a new battery. Same thing. Also does the same thing with both fobs - new batteries in both fobs. It's not (I don't think) the fobs constantly sending a signal to lock, as it would have to be a glitch in BOTH fobs at the same time, and once the car is started, the car doesn't auto-lock. I can "manually" lock and unlock the car with the fob even while running - like I don't have to constantly fight against the door locking when I don't want it too (other than after I get out and the car is off). Anyone else come across this? Thanks
I don't think any of that behavior is "abnormal" for a Prius. Certainly it SHOULD warn you if you open and close the drivers door with the FOB still inside. There also is a circumstance where mine will automatically lock itself but I don't remember what those circumstances are.
With the car off, I could leave the key in the car without the "error." The only thing I can think of right now is that the car's software has glitched to auto-lock, so when I exit the car (after turning off), and close the door, the car tries to auto-lock but doesn't because it senses the fob in the car. That's why I originally thought it was the fob constantly generating a lock signal, which I found that it's not really the problem. The only problem with that theory is it does not explain why I get the "key detected in vehicle" (not "NOT" detected in vehicle) warning when I initially get it (with fob), and press the brake to start the car. The green light on the start button comes on, and I am able to start it fine. The warning shows on the display until I actually press the button to start the car (but doesn't come on until I press the brake). I'm thinking I may need to "reload" the software.
The Prius can be set to auto lock when the shift lever it put in "D". Perhaps something in that circuit is malfunctioning.
Good suggestion. Checking out the shifter mechanism sounds like a good idea too. Next might be unhooking the 12 V for a few minutes. I remembered what causes mine to "auto-lock". If it is locked.....and I push the FOB button to UNlock it.....but do not open any door, after a couple of minutes it will RElock itself. I don't know if that will also happen if you touch the handle and then don't open it. Also don't know if it has anything to do with your problem or not. (probably not).
Shifter APPEARS to operate fine - it shifts into various "gears" correctly and without issue. I'll try pulling the battery cable to see if it resets anything - after the Nor'easter ends tomorrow...
Car will relock if no door is opened after hitting unlock. This is to protect against accidentally leaving your car unlocked. If fob is constantly sending lock, you would constantly get lock confirmation from the car, but you already ruled that out.
It may be unlikely, but do you usually use the FOB to lock your car? If yes, maybe the lock button in the FOB is stuck from wear? Just throwing it out there, since the FOB is now 7 years...