Does anybody know what the speed limit signs in the HUD are based on? I mean, is it based on static map data (which will sooner or later be outdated), or is it actually using the car's camera to detect and recognize signs?
I don't know the answer, but my understanding is that Tesla's similar function actually reads them from the camera. It wouldn't surprise me if both companies purchase/license speed-limit-sign reading software from a common vendor.
I don't think it's using the car's camera because sometimes when I'm on a 35 MPH speed limit street the HUD will say 25 MPH
Static Map Data. Someone posted on my YouTube channel that it is displaying outdated info for his residence.
On our aftermarket Garmin Navigator the maps have speedlimit data, for most roads. And it can get out of date. There's some occasional anomalies too.
The GPS map has the Speed Limit Sign, but it's near the bottom, covered by whatever you display on the bottom half. I wish the sign was near the top of the GPS map AND I'd like to see the speed limit displayed next to the Speedometer.
I think you can have the speed limit displayed next to the speedometer, it's located in the MID settings
I have the Advanced model but it shows up both on the HUD and the MID if I remember right the MID should be displayed along with the compass
if you have the HUD enabled, the Speed Limit info as well as other Navigation info would show up on the HUD and not on the MID. If you disable HUD display, the Navigation info would show up on the MID.
OK, I found the Speed Limit on my Premium Prime. I've been keeping the Hybrid System Indicator in the MID. If you press the Right arrow on the right-side of the steering wheel, it displays the Compass AND the Speed Limit if the road has one. Strange place to have it.
I didn't find your assumption to be true because the Speed limit info shows up on both the HUD and the MID simultaneously.
The speed limit sign looks like the optically based reader in our BMW i3-REx. Also, it appears to change at the same time as passing the sign. So let me propose a test. Put a piece of 'blue masking tape' over the optical reader and see if the speed limit signs still change. Bob Wilson
Bob, I think that the displayed speed limit is driven by the GPS database, not optical recognition at least in my 2016 Prius. JeffD