In California the Green HOV tags were for Plugin Hybrids. As of Jan 1 2017 these tags are no long valid to go in the HOV lanes Does anyone know when they will issue more. It will make me want to buy a plugin hybrid. ---wire
Not true. According to CARB web site the green stickers are good until Jan 1 2019 Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers They are also issuing current limit, as of Sep 2016. What dealer are you going to buy from? Mike
You apparently missed that your legislature with Jerry Brown extended Green Stickers last September. We had much discussion at that time. I expect further action this year to extend deadline beyond 2019, but we'll have to wait and see what develops. Chances are the older PiP may lose HOV after 2019. so you probably want to focus on the new Prime or its competitors such as Volt Fusion etc.
they already have. you just need to apply, if your dealer didn't do it for you, like dianne at carson toyota does.
Jimbo Can you provide a little more detail on why a Prime may qualify and an older PiP may not qualify for HOV.
Bisco and Jimbo are correct. First of all, nothing has been decided. But in the CA test, old PiP only gets 6 miles before engine comes on, believe CA wanted 11. Also Plug-In America (last year anyway) wanted to see something like 25 miles electric min. for HOV, so they were pushing to leave PiP out of it. But who knows what if anything will happen. I have a feeling they are going to say 3-5 years of free HOV for new vehicles, so not sure how they will handle older plug-ins. Some in CA want free HOV to go away totally, so I do not know who wins the tug-o-war (plug-ins usually win in CA).
The first gen Prius Plug-in has an all electric range of 11 miles. The 6 miles is the point in the EPA test where the acceleration causes the engine to turn on, but the car still has 5 more miles of all electric range remaining.
That would be hard to implement. They'd have to go to a different color sticker and reissue them for the vehicles that qualify. I'm not sure what they did with qualifying cars to had the yellow stickers (if there were any).
Any problem with purple? Seriously, I do not know what the plan would be...but directionally yes I do believe CA is coming up to the need to update the legislation a little more fundamentally
Why do they need to do anything? They need more enforcement to keep the skoflaws out of the carpool lanes, which is estimated to be 24% of the traffic. Kicking the PIP out would do nothing since not many were sold.
We had a spectacular trip to CA this year including visiting a relative in Berkeley area, and I was amazed at a number of long-expired yellow stickers still on some of the Prii. So Yellow is out. As far as why do anything, don't they they need to extend dates of the free HOV for more years to keep it as a Plug_in incentive?