Hi What happened to all those youtube video which was so helpful for prius owner?Does anybody have knowledge on this. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
are they gone? people have been talking about them recently, and nuts about bolts has been around. hmmm, i just looked, and it said his account has been terminated due to multiple violations? let's ask @NutzAboutBolts
Oh vey! Not just here; his Youtube is down. Hopefully he get's it sorted out. Attention @NutzAboutBolts : any info??
I'm not sure what is going on and what was violated as they didn't send us an email. I've already sent out the appeal, now its just the waiting game.
I really do hope your videos will come back and I highly doubt Toyota did it as he has videos of other cars too. I actually referenced some of his videos when he worked on the Accord too. Very informative!
Here is a method to download videos to your hard drive. This approach uses VLC Media Player specifically; I'm not that conversant in how it works or what alternatives might also work, but I'd suspect there are other approaches that would also work. Not that involved, anyways: Download Youtube videos: 1. In browser, right-click video and select "Copy video URL" 2. Open VLC Media Player 3. Pulldown: Media>Open Netork Stream, and paste URL. (Video will play) 4. Pause video, Pulldown: Tools>Codec INformation, copy content of "Location" field. 5. Paste content into a browser address window. IE will immediately ask you choose your download options. With FireFox it will start playing, you can right-click and choose to download.
All nutzaboutbolts are in this pinned thread, in 3rd gen maintenance forum: Nutz About Bolts Prius Maintenance Videos | PriusChat Well, they were, except they're links to YouTube site, and his videos are taken down there.
I'm guessing it's copyright and legalize issues, up to @NutzAboutBolts. And maybe some practicalities too?
Always knew the @NutzAboutBolts guys were up to no good ... Good luck getting this b.s. sorted. Meanwhile, just upload them to PriusChat and if it doesn't work out with YouTube, screw em'.
Normally I don't put much past the crooks down at the dealerships, but this doesn't smell like that.....yet.
I sent them a FB message, suggesting they post their Video's over on vidme - simple video upload. Less games get played over there and it is a new video service so they're very hungry for content.
Sorry everyone, we're still waiting on a human from YouTube to reply to our appeal. I'll give it a month or so before we start heading into a new direction with the videos. I will let you guys know, sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey everybody! Go to YouTube and click Send Feedback. Ask them to reinstate NutzAboutBolts Even ten letters will help. Let's go help out our friends! Make sure you spell it correctly: NutzAboutBolts