I turned it down but was offered 5yr/125k for 1,750 - desire was to create a thread for price comparison purposes
- to be honest I didnt even take the paperwork home; was described as bumper to bumper extension. Seemed liked they would work with price if I rolled it into my financing.
undoubtedly, considering how high they usually start, and the reports here from others, as to how low they are often willing to go to make the sale.
How about $0? Homework: Find ONE competent financial advisor that recommends extended warranties. Extra Credit Homework: List any other "options" that this dealer charged you for that we can talk you out of.......
Give Troy a call at Springfield Toyota, 413-773-5455. He sells Toyota factory warranties at a reasonable price, much lower than my local dealer. I have gotten two from him for my 2010 and 2013. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Historically at least, extended warranties rarely cover anything that has any meaningful chance of going wrong with the car.
FWIW, I'm at 4.2 years / 120k miles. There has been zero warranty work needed. This is anecdotal obviously but $1750 has stayed in my pocket. That $1750 will be bring me that many months of saving closer to my next car. I vastly prefer driving a newer car rather than an older one with warranty.
My 2010 was early in the first production year for Gen 3,( I'll never do that again) and had a lot of bugs, some of which showed up after the factory warranty expired. I more than got my monies worth. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You MUST read the fine print. You need to know what's covered, what isn't covered, what your costs might be, and what you need to do to maintain coverage. None of these are warranties, and certainly not Toyota factory warranties. They are prepaid repair contracts. Toyota calls theirs a Vehicle Service Agreements--they do not use the word warranty, 'because it ain't. They are more like peace-of-mind insurance policies. Buy one if it'll make you sleep better at night. Buy on-line (or at least get the on-line price) of the one from the manufacturer, in this case offered by Toyota Financial Services (because it is an insurance policy). Avoid 3rd party extended service contracts. If the underwriter goes bust, you're left with nothing. I think any financial advisor would recommend buying an extended service contract for a VW, or Fiat, or a few other brands.... Probably not Toyota. Not my financial advisor who drives a Toyota himself.
Just curious, but can you list the "bugs" the Gen 3, especially the ones that showed up after the warranty expired? Thanks.
My dealer tried to get me to pay $2500 for a warranty to specifically cover the hybrid components for 8 years, but that seems to be a standard warranty according to Toyota's website... It was extending the regular components to 8 years as well. It just seams sleazy to try to sell something to someone they already have... I said no to the warranty... hope I'm right
I got a quote at $1450 for 7 years, 125k miles for Toyota VSA (as noted previously, not technically a warranty). I chose to self insure against any future issues outside of warranty. I believe you can still get the official Toyota VSA for up to 3 years while you are still in warranty. So if the Prime somehow turns into a lemon, you have time to find out that evidence and make a better decision on probabilities. If this Prius is anything like previous models, saving on your own for a rainy day is likely the best bet.
Chief: I am not getting one. Posted thread for others. Most other forums have one, figured I would share what they offered me. No other options. 350 doc fee.