I remember reading a few months ago that Toyota was planning on a hyper-focused marketing plan to 20-40 year olds. While I watch everyone post pictures, or make side references to age, (I am well above the demographic in the marketing plan) I am curious about how old folks are who are making this purchase. Not asking for DOB or anything, just curious if owners here are in the targeted group or outside the group.
I'm in the 20-40 demographic, but don't see the point of buying a brand new car (especially in the first model year) and couldn't afford one even if I wanted to. But I can speak to used cars. While I have seen ads by Toyota, my decision to get a car made by them had nothing to do with ads and everything to do with the car's reliability, fuel efficiency, comfort and features.
Right smack near the middle of the demographic here. Long commute and the less pleasing look of the regular Prius lift back led me to the Prime. With the cost of gas right now and the high electric prices in socal, I don't really get the benefit of charging, but still do to offset the trips to the gas station.
I'm 26, purchased this car to settle down. I've had my shares of fast cars. Prior to this I had a 700hp 335i. Main reason I bought this car was carpool exempt and being able to charge the car at work and not pay for gas lol
Back in the 2000s, there were a lot of polls about Prius owners. Nobody understood who it was that was buying these 'obviously inferior cars.' If they could just figure it out, they'd scarf us up and end the Prius plague. Then they found: Older than the usual buyer, often retired More well off than the usual buyer It is sort of the same 'Come to Jesus' moment when the luxury car makes realized,'Hey, Tesla is taking away our customers!' Then they finally got a clue and decided to compete ... often badly. I am OK with Toyota going after a younger demographic but would suggest 'sell them to used Toyota.' What this does is get the older models off the lot and encouraging brand loyalty. Without going nuts, I could see Toyota selling used Prius, 2004-2015, with a "Toyota Certified Battery" warranty. One that lets the kids buy one without fear of a future $3-4,000 battery replacement. For good measure, replace the transaxle oil too. The ad would read: Tired to paying out for gas, gas, gas? Buy a certified Toyota Prius with traction battery warranty and cut your gas bill down to 50 MPG. Bob Wilson
I'm 40 and just purchased a 2013 PiP. I planned on the Prime but just had a son and wanted more then the 2 back seats since I'm using a car seat. If and when that changes I will upgrade.
I remember when mid 40s was a target demographic, then I got here and I started to be ignored. I have a feeling I am going to be the forgotten generation slowly moving up the age brackets but never a target demographic. But what do I care? I buy what I like and pay little attention to what others say about it. I bought a first year Honda Ridgeline which everyone was screaming was an ugly un-truck. But I liked it. They need to find a way to target people who are stylistically challenged but like cool devices because they would have a hit on their hands .