Is the Prime supposed to automatically lock when you exit the car and close the doors? It's doing that in my garage, but not all the time. Another gremlin?
I don't think so. Mine doesn't. You either have to touch the little ridges on the door handle when exiting or push the button on the Key fob.
Found this in the manual: Security featureIf a door is not opened within approximately 60 seconds after the vehicle isunlocked, the security feature automatically locks the vehicle again.
That's for unlocking a door and failing to open it within 60 seconds. The door will then lock again. Not sure why your door is automatically locking WITHOUT you touching the ridges of the door handle or activating the fob. Are you rubbing your hand along the door handle as you leave the car?
I may have inadvertently pushed the key fob lock button while it was in my pocket. Don't know for sure but I suspect that. The fob should be better designed so that the keys aren't so easy to be pressed inadvertently.
I have had the same problem with my 04 since I got it. I'm always locking the doors and setting off the panic alarm just shifting in my chair.
Mine also locks automatically if i unlock car with key fob after 60 seconds if door not opened. Any body know how to turn that off.