Yeah, I checked several dealers that said had Primes. Turns out those Primes are not there but just there virtually. Hard to drive one that way.
Did you actually verify that Baxter Toyota of Lincoln did, or did not in fact have this car in stock or are you just guessing?
Unless they got it in this week, they did not have one available and did not know when they would have one. I am 50 miles from there.
I have to go to Lincoln this afternoon. I will stop by and check it out. OK, I just called Baxter Toyota in Lincoln. They do not have a Prime on site. The grey one listed as available on their web site is one on a truck coming to them from New York. They traded for one for a customer who wanted one. So when it gets here it is spoken for. Said they still are not getting any thru normal channels.
^^ That is in a nutshell: cars are on the lot or on the way, but they may be spoken for, or be swaps from other dealers. Seems a fair guess that a single car to a whole state is a swap.
That has not been my experience with, I found one in the Washington DC area and it was available and I was able to reserve it, but my local dealer in Michigan also had one so I called the dealer in Washington DC and cancelled the reservation Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Oletha Toyota had some earlier. You might check with them. Got a 2nd call from Baxter. Guess NY won't send the Prime until Baxter's check clears. So it is not even on the truck yet. Sounds fishy to me. Also, the Toyota dealership in Columbia, MO had one some time back.
GO Chiefs on Sunday. Looks like the weather might be messy. Hope not as bad as a few weeks ago when NWMSU played at Children's Mercy Park for Div 2 National Championship game.
As long as those of us in the Midwest "fly over states" support group can wish for the moon...I want a Silver ext. / black int / Advanced Prime that was made on a Weds. Those are the cars with fewer problems.
Advanced? I thought you wanted a different model. Did you change your mind, or is this a wish fairy want list? (i.e., no payment involved)
Wanted a premium but bumped up after reading about the advanced here over the past couple months. It also appears that Advance models are the ones being listed when they do spread out.
I live in St. Louis MO. My wife and I flew to Buffalo NY (West Herr Toyota) on Dec 30 to purchase ours. Then drove it back. Couldn't be happier. Got the Magnetic Grey Premium model. EXACTLY what I wanted. I wanted to get it in the 2016 tax year. Hate to be a pessimist, but I'm afraid the congress will have to cut some of the current tax benefits to fund their plans. Who knows if the tax rebate will be cut, but I didn't want to miss out. As to midwest availability, I was told that the KC region would only be getting Advanced models initially. I think its a mistake by the region in how they are allocating models, but I'm just a lowly customer.
Ok, Ok I get it you don't trust But just humor me, check with Baxter again because Cars'com just listed a Magnetic Grey Metallic Prime Premium and a Hypersonic Red Prime Advanced
OK, I checked their web site. 3 are listed like you said. I called. The guy I usually talk to is not there. The gal on the phone was not helpful. Could not tell me even if the cars were there. But might be worth a call, email, web click. Just seems odd to me that just the other day they could not even get the trade on the truck and now they have 3. I guess stranger things have happened. I will double check on Monday if I have power. We are in the major ice path starting Sunday.
Also noticed on their web site they have the red one listed at $36,000, one grey at $34,000, and the other one at $30,000. No $1000 rebate. A $500 off if you are military (active).