Well, the vents are not blocked, and although i never checked the fan assembly for hair accumulation, it wasn't an issue in 4 1/2 years of Pip use of occasional trips to vet, pet supply store or good slobbering joyride
Prime has gone to the dogs. Don't know if you noticed but your dog has two different eye colors. Also, nice arm band.
There are removable air filters for the Gen 4/Prime so owners can remove it and vacuum it if it's clogged.
I noticed the handles above the door in you picture. I had read that the Gen 4 was lower than my model, and I was worried that egress might become more difficult as I age. But i was happy to note that it didn't feel lower when I test drove the Prime. And I noticed the handles at the top of the door - what a good idea if ever needed! I climbed into my 2009 Prius to drive home and glanced up - and there were handles there too! Who knew? I've had the car 8 1/2 years and never noticed that. Heck, do all cars have handles above the doors?
The handles are helpful when exiting the car in situations where you can't open the door all the way. I often find myself reaching for them in rental cars only to find they aren't there, so not all cars have them. And the rear seat handles are great for hanging a suit coat.
Amusingly enough, as I perused the Prime manual yesterday, I noticed that it tells you the handles are NOT for supporting you as you exit the car, but for holding onto while the car is in motion. Um, yeah.
Bizarre. Maybe during a car chase? I can't think of any other time while driving that the handles above the door might be useful. And there is a handle above the driver's door. Wouldn't the steering wheel be a safer place for the driver to hold onto while driving? I can understand a problem if someone tries to lift themselves out of the car with the handle, putting their whole weight on it. But I don't see why they think it's unsafe to use it for support while getting out of the car, similar to how you use a staircase railing or bathtub grab bar, you just have your hand on it in case you slip.
When I am driving fast or feels wreckless or drives too close for comfort for my wife, she would stick up her leg(s) and press against the dashboard and grab the handle above. I never even think about the handles, but she goes for them every time.
Overhead Assist Grips (or handles)? No. Some cars have it for passengers only (so missing the driver's). Or like the Prius c, it has grips for all except the rear driver's side because it has a coat hook. (which is weird because the regular Liftback has rear assist grips with integrated coat hooks. How much is Toyota saving by replacing one overhead assist grip w/ coat hook with a simple coat hook?)